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For the past two days Nathan didn't sleep, eat or even got out of the room, just curling up and crying. Nixon told me that this is what had happened the last time and it took him long to go back to normal and now it was happening all over again. Dad and Damien weren't so happy about it and even banned us to be friends with Mason, I mean I don't even know the guy.

Mom didn't know what was happening so Dad had to tell her, which she didn't say much about it and tended to Nathan like any parent would. School went on, Maddie and Mason were no where to be seen, we guess they left already.

I get out of the shower all cleaned, putting on my clothes then I decide to go find Nathan if he is even still here. I go to his room first he is not there so I go to Nixon's then Victor's and he is not in any, well I guess he is gone and I am alone in this house since mom is at work, Nixon and Victor at school and Bella is with his dads today.

I go to the living room put some music in a high volume and sway myself to the kitchen. Rampaging through the pantry I have decided on pancakes, the moment I get out I find Nathan in the kitchen with his hands on his hips.

" Nathan?" I startled a little.

" What are you doing?" He asks.

" Making breakfast, you hungry?"

" Yeah I could eat", He says taking a seat. " Why the noise?"

" I thought you were gone", I tell him as I put all the ingredients on the counter.

" After I broke your nose? I am not that evil", He says smiling at me, I guess he is not angry or sad. " Can I at least turn the volume down".

" Yeah sure". Which he hops down fast and bolted to the living room.

" So what should we do today?" Nathan asks as he goes back to seat on the stool.

" No plans, you tell me", I say as I fry my first pancake.

" We never had bro to bro day out. What do you say we go have some fun".

" With my swollen nose, no way".

" Ooh...I forgot about that, sorry". He says looking at me with a smirk, " you should put ice on that ".

" When I am done feeding my abuser", I say smiling at him.

" whatever".

We stayed silent for a while me making pancakes and he decided to make some tea, we are in a comfortable silence.

" Nate ", I call him which he only hums for response. " I am sorry about earlier I didn't mean to say that, I was in pain".

" I know and I kind of deserved it. I almost broke your nose".

" Yeah you almost did", I put another pancake on the plate. " I can't wait to see Victor's face when he gets here".

" OMG, Simon tell him you lost your balance and you fell. Damn he is going to kill me". He leaves the tea pot and runs to the freezer getting an ice pack. " Put this on your nose right now!".

" I am cooking", I tell him putting the ice pack on the counter.

" I don't care, I will tape it if you won't hold it", He glares at me.

Before I could even consider my other options the front door is open, " Hey guys, we are home". We could hear Victor's voice as they come in.

" In the kitchen", Nathan replies with wide eyes. ' I am dead' he mouths to me as he walks to where he left the tea pot.

" You guys are early", I say as I turn off the stove and put the pan in the sink. Hoping they won't notice my nose.

" Yeah, the game is over", Victor says as he ruffles Nathan's hair.

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