Words for Weapon: Childe × Fem!Reader

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Being married to the 11th of the Fatui harbingers is no small feat. Always welcoming your hubby with wounds and sour mood, today was no different. Just like the usual routine you waited for him to come home so you can serve him some hot dinner. On mark Ajax entered, but today we wasn't wounded which you were happy about. But he didn't greet you like he always did. He went straight to the bathroom to freshen up.
You just thought he was exhausted and didn't want to disturb him. You quietly set up the dinner and wait patiently for 1hr to 2hrs, you get scared that something might have happened so you decided to go and check up on him. You knocked the door once, twice, thrice still no response so you open the door to find an irritated Childe. You have never seen him like, to be honest you are a little scared but still with the courage you ask "Ajax, are you alright?" with an annoyed expression he just stares at you blankly and doesn't say anything you press further for an answer and that's when he snaps and yells at you, " OMG! y/n just shut the fuck up already, why are you so annoying? HUH? why can't you just let a person be peaceful for a damn second!!, do you always have to go around poking your nose in everyone's damn business!!, why can't you just shut up? Does everything have to be about you? Do you think you are the only person alive on this earth ?" You didn't know he could speak like that to you, you never knew people could talk like this just because they are annoyed and it wasn't even your fault. You tried calming him down but it seemed to only fan the fire even more. "Ajax calm down" you said in a meek voice still scared of the way he is acting. That's when he came close you to and looked down menacingly, suddenly your ears were ringing that's when you realised, Ajax your dear husband, whom you love with every fibre in you had just SLAPPED YOU?

Everything was a blur after that, his words hurt you more than the scars on your wrists, you didn't want to talk to him, you apologised for your lack of understanding. Childe with a big huff exclaimed, "FINALLY FOR FUCK'S SAKE YOU UNDERSTAND SOMETHING, now get out if u understand your shitty behaviour." You left the room quietly, you didn't know what to do, where can you go? You need peace of mind so you take your purse and keys and the leave your HOME
which didn't feel like home. The thoughts kept coming back, "Hehehehe see we told you, you didn't deserve Childe, he has realised you are a waste of human space.... you are better off dead you know, HAHAHAHAHA he's gonna leave you like "He" did, do you remember? He's gonna leave you for the traveller, they have accomplished so much and what have you done? Spent his money?" You couldn't take it anymore, those voices always haunt you ever since your ex became abusive and your parents blamed you for your breakup and now what if Ajax asks for a "DIVORCE?" what are you gonna do? How will you survive?? All these thoughts made your mind race miles per second, and without realising you left Liyue Harbour, you kept walking without any aim, by the time you realised where you were, all you could hear were crickets creaking and the moon peaking from it's curtain of clouds, you didn't know where you were or how to go back.

You kept roaming in the forest going in circles, you have no weapons to defend yourself. You kept walking and that's when few treasure hoarders recognised you as Ajax's wife, the personal grudge they had against him was unknown to you, you hadn't even realised that they caught on to you. One treasure hoarder disguised himself as a person who is taking a walk there and approached you. "Excuse me madam!" He called out to you, you flinched when you suddenly heard a voice, "Yes?" You answered quite scared but relieved that you found a person and maybe they can help you.....

Meanwhile at home Ajax finally cooled down to realise what he had done, did he really slap his wife? The one person who he swore to protect? His precious wife? Who cooked his favourite dishes and helped him not get homesick? The one who oh so kindly nursed him everytime he injured himself? The one who stayed up almost everyday to wait for his arrival? That precious wife? He hurt HER? He panicked and called out your name while searching for you in the house, he didn't mean any of it and he would even give his hand which slapped you if he could find you. When he realised you weren't at home, he rushed out screaming your name like a madman but he didn't care how he looked right now, finding you and apologising to you right now was his top priority, his only priority... All he hoped was for you to be safe and sound, he searched all the parks, terraces, tea places anywhere you could have gone. He really fucked up this time, he was worried he had this feeling in his pit of his stomach that you are in danger. His hands were shivering, he was sweating buckets and he was so close to dying if you had gotten hurt and that too all because of him. You were his paradise, his haven the motherly love you gave him surpassed his own mother's he had so much more to do with you, you can't just leave him, not now not ever, if you die he would die before you so that he doesn't feel the pain of the world where his wife isn't there, not even for a second.....

The treasure hoarders had already drugged you, they didn't know what to do to contact Ajax so they decided to sell you in the illegal slave market. So they found a auction and the boss of the slave market was very pleased, the wife of a harbinger, that too the wife of the most notorious man who almost got all of the people of Liyue killed, this is a perfect chance, the auctioneer paid the treasure hoarders 2M mora and then took your unconscious self to the place were the slaves were kept. They dressed you in a beautiful red silk lingerie which was flowy, it had pretty little spider flowers embroidered on it and put make up on you, then cuffed you and gagged you, they also fed a little more drug so that you don't run away. You slowly gained your consciousness, and when you tried to move, the restraints clinked and clanked, that's when you realised what had happened! You didn't know what to do? All you could do was cry, why was your life so miserable? Why even the one whom you loved the most had to hurt you like that? All you wanted was to live a happy life, is that so hard for the universe to give? As your were crying few people came and opened the cage, they slowly dragged you onto a stage when suddenly a spotlight turned on. "Ladies and Gentlemen the moment you have all been waiting for, today's special item the one and only wife of the 11th of the harbingers!!!!!" The crowd began to cheer and applaud, when someone suddenly shouted, "I hid 100M mora!!!!", the auctioneer was very happy, "100M mora!! Anyone else?" Then another bidder bid 120M mora, "120M mora!!! Anyone else?" Asked the auctioneer, this continued for few minutes, "1000M mora for that brat's wife!!!" The auctioneer turned with a smirk on his face, "A 1000M MORA!!! DO I HAVE ANYMORE BIDS?? THEN GOING ONCE! GOING TWICE!! GOING THRICE!!!!! SOLD TO THE BLACK MASKED MISTER!!!!" You were taken to backstage and you were handed over to a masked man....

*2 months later*

I'll do a part 2 if guys want it, say if you guys want a happy ending or sad ending...
Until next time luv ya💗💓💗

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