The Secret Within Slytherin House - Part 3

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I allowed them to think whatever they wish too, while I continued to sort my things out, once everything is done and my uniform was hung up I sat on my bed, I could sense they were still there but I ignored them and then started to read, I knew they would get tired of watching me soon enough and I was right because within minutes I heard movements, when I looked up though I groaned because standing in the doorway was Rowle and his merry men "well little snake, now we know for certain it was you, are you going to tell us what else you have in stall for him" he asked me teasingly but I could see the smirk on his face, I placed my book down and moved off my bed getting ready to leave my dorm room "we might as well go into the common room" I huffed out when he tried to stop me from leaving, the others quickly followed us and when we got there, I noticed a few other older snakes that I don't know the names off were waiting as well, everyone took a seat and then stared at me, with draco sitting close to me, so close that he was touching my leg with his own

I shifted uncomfortably at all the attention until I snapped out "what" I noticed that Sofia and Melina where close to me on my other side "tell us what you've been doing to them" Josh Rosier asked somewhat gently, I sighed before explaining slowly "I don't do it to all of them, the weasley twins are suppose to be the pranking kings and while their pranks can become borderline dangerous, they have never bullied someone personally for what I have seen of them, but their little brother is a disgusting excuse for a wizard" I looked at the older ones and scoffed softly, I turned my head so I was staring into the fire "muggleborns come into this world either excited or nervous, I know I felt both of those things but I already knew that entering a new country you need to know about it first, it's the same thing for the wizarding world as well, I researched what I could on my own, before getting help from someone born into this world, other muggleborns are not so forward thinkers" I started quietly, as my eyes got lost in the flames

"I heard that there use to be a class that focused on magical traditions, I really am not sure why it was stopped to be honest, I would've loved learning about it all and I'm sure that the other muggleborns would as well, if they were told of how important it is maybe they would be more willing to learn but having a headmaster who doesn't think it's important, makes them unwilling to" I said not looking at any of them, the headmaster is to blame about the whole thing, most students trust the headmaster about keeping them safe and making sure they have the right tools to move out into the real world, but Albus Dumbledore doesn't do that and that makes him dangerous "this is about the little first year, isn't it" Sofia asked me suddenly, I looked up and saw everyone looking at me but the difference was, they weren't sneering at me, I looked at her and nod my head "at first it was but other witches from muggle backgrounds were being bullied by him and no-one from their own houses were doing anything about it" I said knowing that it was true, those witches may leave this world as well and it would be Ronald Weasley's fault

"I just don't understand it all, I read some books about etiquette and traditions, whilst they weren't my favourite books simply because I never thought I needed to be taught how to have manners at this age since a child learns them from an early age and then continue to as they grow, from what I had found out, the weasley family are purebloods, so why aren't the children showing those manners" I said to her, not really sure what the issue was to be honest, Sofia had opened her mouth to speak but it was Rowle who answered my question

"The older families don't class them as purebloods" he said as he sat down in the spare chair that's in front of the sofa I was sitting on, I tilted my head to the side feeling confused, it must of shown on my face because Melina spoke up "they don't like them because of a number of things, though you are muggleborn you researched about our traditions, that is more than what they have done..." she trailed off and Josh continued "they aren't respected by other families, they agree with everything Dumbledore says and has never showed any interest in tradition, that is why pureblood families don't recognise they're pureblood status" I thought about that and slowly nod my head, I could understand them, why would they agree with a man who was taking all of the traditions away from their world "what have you been doing to the boy" Darius Whitmore asked, I sighed and explained what I had done, it wasn't even that bad either, the littlest things like tripping him up as he's walking, he spilt a drink on a library book and was scolded severely by Madam Pince, Hogwarts librarian, his homework had unfortunately disappeared the day it's due to be handed in...."it's even worse when he has professor Snape's class that day as well" I finally finished explaining what I have done

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