Welcome to the earth

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It has been half a year since Chaehyun announced her pregnancy to me and to the world. Of course, I have been happy with the news but again there have been some ups and downs with it. And that is mostly dealing with a sometimes grumpy lady and then a few seconds later a clingy baby Chaehyun. The most sad thing was all of the times that Chaehyun had been sick that she couldn't get up and do anything unless she had to vomit. I was glad I had a job where I could work from home and work whenever I wanted so I could take care of her.

Jahoon: Chaehyun honey. I made you some congee. Maybe it will help you.

Chaehyun: I don't want to eat anything right now.

Chaehyun groaned as she rolled a bit trying to find a position where she could sleep comfortably and also where she couldn't get sick. I sighed at her and walked over to her bedside as I sat down the tray with food by the bedside table. I placed my hand on her arm, trying to get her attention.

Jahoon: I know that you are feeling too sick right now to eat anything but please eat just a little bit. If you don't trust me that it would help to make you feel a bit better, then think about our son. If you eat then he will eat too and I will grow strong for when he meets us.

Chaehyun stopped moving for a moment. I knew that she was thinking over what I just said. She sighed and slowly tried to sit up. I helped her, trying not to smile. This trick has always worked. She looked at me with a slight glare and a pout.

Chaehyun: Feed me.

Jahoon: As the Queen wishes for.

I giggled at her as I took the tray with food and grabbed the spoon to begin feeding her. It went on for a while until there was a bit under half left.

Chaehyun: Enough. I don't think I can eat anymore. Or else I will end up vomiting it all out.

Jahoon: It is alright. I'm just happy that you ate some even though you said you only wanted a few bites but ended up eating almost half.

Chaehyun: Now get out because I don't want to see you anymore right now.

I grabbed the tray and walked out of the room, closing the door after me. It was one of those moments where she would hate me extremely even though I hadn't done anything but at this time it would be better to leave a pregnant lady alone unless you had a death wish. While washing the dishes I couldn't stop thinking about our baby. How he would look when he was born. Just three more months. Three more months and I will be available to hold him.

I was sitting in the living room watching TV when I heard Chaehyun scream in the bedroom. I quickly jumped on my feet and ran inside the bedroom but I couldn't see her anywhere.

Jahoon: Chaehyun?!

Chaehyun: In the bathroom!

I ran inside our bathroom and saw Chaehyun sitting on the floor with a pool of water around her. I ran over and kneeled down beside her.

Jahoon: What happened? Are you hurting anywhere?

I tried to examine her for any wounds or bruises but then she suddenly grabbed my collar and pulled my face close to her, making me look at her surprised.

Chaehyun: My water broke! And it hurts like hell right now.

I stared at her for a few seconds before it came through my thick head. Her water had broken.

Jahoon: Alright! Alright! Don't panic! I'm here. Everything is going to be alright! Where did I place the baby bag?! Omg! Did I forget it?! Where is it?!

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