Chapter thirty-three

Comincia dall'inizio

After Isabel and I talked for a while, it was time for the first practice. So together we talked down to the garage, wished our boyfriend good luck, got a pair of headphones and then we were ready for the practice to start!.
When the green lights turned on everyone except Carlos went out, Charles was the first to go out and drive some laps..
After some time Charles was still yet to set a meaningful lap time, it didn't look too good.

"Ah god no, p14 what is happening!" I said. "This is nuts" Isabel replied, both Carlos and Charles were out as the only one at the moment. Charles managed to set a time which wasn't good enough because he was now p14! Carlos was also struggling a bit on track, it didn't look good for either of them, unfortunately..

Practice one ended and the results were quite mixed. I was happy for Max since he topped with p1, but Charles ended in p7 which wasn't ideal for a Ferrari, but at least it wasn't p14 like before.. And after all it's only practice, there's still time to improve before tomorrow's qualifying.

Some hours later practice two was also finished, it didn't go better than the first one since Charles finished eighth.. but it is what it is, and we just gotta look forward to a new day tomorrow.

When we got back to the hotel I went to lay down a bit since I didn't feel well, I felt a bit sick but nothing serious, just some pain in my head and my stomach, this often happens whenever I travel a lot. "Do you want me to get anything for you?" Charles asked as I laid down on the bed. "Maybe some water would help," I answered. "Coming right up" he said and gave me a kiss on my forehead, he is literally the most caring person whenever I don't feel good. "Thanks babe" I said and then put my phone into the charger.. After a few minutes he came back with a glass filled with ice water.
He then laid down next to me for a while until he had to leave again, to meet up with Nicholas.

The next day I was feeling better but I still felt a bit nauseous, I just took some aspirin which helped a bit.
I then left to go to the track a bit later than usual, I missed the last practice but it didn't really matter. But I was excited for today since it was qualifying day, one of my favorites. Plus I'm spending the day at red bull, which is probably my favorite team to be at, not that I don't love being at Ferrari but red bull is just something else. Like a little safe place where I know just about everyone.

I met up with Kelly and Dad about half an hour after the last practice was done. "Are you alright?" Dad asked and looked at me. "Yeah I'm fine, why?".."You never miss anything on race weekends" he laughed and so did Kelly, but they were right..
"I was just feeling a bit sick, maybe it's a start to something I don't really know.. but I took some aspirin and I feel fine now" I said and smiled.. "Please don't get sick up to Christmas," he said. "I'll try not to" I laughed. "Oh and Penelope is so excited to spend Christmas with you by the way!" Kelly said and smiled. "Aww is she?" I smiled, I love that little munchkin!. "Very much, and she keeps asking me when Oli will come to visit,"."I gotta come by soon, I promise!" I said and smiled, so did she.

Qualifying was about to begin and we got to our seats located above the pit as usual.
Q1 was underway and both red bull drivers were out to check if their new rear wings are working as they should, after some problems in the practices.
And they did, both Max and Checo did set some alright times, and were on to Q2. But they still needed to improve, both of them.

Q2 went better for both of them, and Charles did awesome too. It was a good session, and they were on to Q3, yes!

After the famous 10 minutes in Q3 had passed, everyone had sat their last times and the times were just plucking in. "Yes!! He did it!" I said and hugged dad and Kelly, who was just as happy! "Yes! that's my boy!" Dad said happily! Max got pole position, a position that will be important for tomorrow's race. We have a historical race in front of us tomorrow..

Forever and alwaysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora