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    “Are you serious Wednesday?!” Myra said they were in their dorm room. 

    “You want me to go into Xavier Thorpe’s shed and invade his privacy. All on a hunch that you think he’s the monster.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose and sat on her bed.

“Yes, was that not made clear?” Wednesday folded her arms across her chest. 

Myra thought back to the scars on Xavier’s neck. If she agreed to this she could figure out what happend, but also she would be breaking and entering. She got up from the bed.

“Fine, I’ll do it, but under one condition.”

“What’s that?” 

“You owe me a favor.” 

“Deal?” Myra stuck out her hand.

Wednesday rolled her eyes before shaking Myra’s hand.


“Good.” Myra smiled. She grabbed her satchel from her desk chair. And threw it over her shoulder. She began to head for the door when she stopped. 

“Hey Wednesday.”


“Can I bring Thing with me?”

    Thing ran out of Wednesday’s bag, which was placed on her bed, towards Myra and climbed onto her shoulder. 

    “Hello Thing.” She smiled at the appendage. He signed hello back.

    “Well bye Wednesday see you later.” 

    “I hope Wednesday’s right about this.” They were standing in front of Xavier’s shed watching him leave. After waiting a few seconds they quickly walked into the shed. 

    Surprisingly the door was unlocked. The room was slightly dark, Myra pulled on the chain that was connected to the bulb.

    All around them was painting after painting of the monster. Myra’s eye’s went wide. 

    “Thing,You're seeing what I’m seeing right?” Thing signed that he was.

A part of her didn’t want to believe what she was seeing. Myra looked at the stool in front of her. There were sketches of the monster, one that looked like some sort of cave. 

“We better get out of here before we’re caught. Thing is it ok if you hide in my satchel for now?” She asked not wanting to be rude to him.

She quickly turned off the light and snuck out the door. As she was walking away from the door Xavier saw her. 

“Myra.” She turned around.

“Hey Xavier.”

“What are you doing?” 

“Nothing, Thought I’d take a walk, when I saw you come out of this place. What is this place exactly?” 

“It’s kind of my private art studio. I cleared it out, fixed it up, so Weems let me use it” 

“Really, that’s so cool.” Her eyes widened with excitement.

“Hey Myra.”


“Why were you looking for me?”

She was quiet for a moment. Should she tell him that she was worried or should she just lie. After a few seconds she decided to be honest. 

“You have those scars on your neck and I was worried that you were attacked by something or someone.” She fiddled with her key pendant in her pocket not wanting to look him in the eye.

“Oh you were worried about me.” Xavier said teasingly. 

 She gave him a knowing look. “Of course I would be worried about you. You’re my friend and I hate seeing the people I care about getting hurt.” 

    A part of her felt hurt when she called him a friend. She noticed a small flash of hurt in his eyes when she said the word friend. 

    “Well I better get going, It was good seeing you.” She waved goodbye and started heading towards Nevermore.

    “Thing crawled out of the satchel.

    “You wanted to ask him to the Rave’N didn’t you?” He signed.

    “What no I didn’t. Fine, maybe I did, but he doesn’t want to go with me. He sees me as a friend and so do I.” 

    “No you don't, you like him more than a friend.” He signed.
    “Possibly, I don’t know. I have a lot of things going on right now. I don’t really have time for a relationship.” 

First post of 2023!!

I hope everyone has had a great start to 2023 so far.
Have a great day everyone.

See you soon-MOONY

Inner Demons - Xavier Thorpe - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now