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   Myra stood in front of the door to her room, Weems was in her office talking with a family. After standing there for about 15 seconds which to her felt like 5 minutes, she knocked. A girl with blonde hair and a multitude of colors on the ends of her hair opened the door with an excited smile.
¨Howdy roomie!¨
¨Hi.¨ Myra responded.
¨Iḿ Enid Sinclair.¨ Myra shook her hand.
¨Myra Osborne, Pleasure to meet you.¨
The room had a large circular, stained glass window on the opposite wall. One half of the room was very brightly colored while the other was dark. Myra was so lost in admiring the room that she didn't notice a man,woman and girl walk into the room.
¨Howdy roomie!¨Enid spoke excitedly, making Myra come back to reality. She turned around to see a dark haired girl and what looked to be her parents at the doorway.
¨Wednesday this is Enid Sinclair and Myra Osborne.¨ Myra gave a small wave. She noticed that the girl was pale, but it wasn't her business.
¨Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale.¨ Enid asked, looking at Wednesday.
¨She always looks half dead.¨ The man spoke.
¨Oh. Welcome to Ophelia Hall.¨ Enid went to go hug Wednesday but the dark haired girl stepped back.
¨Not a hugger got it.¨ Enid then turned to give Myra a hug, which the girl graciously accepted.
¨Enid, please take Wednesday and Myra to the registerś office to pick up their uniforms along with a copy of their schedules, and give them a tour along the way. Weems ordered.

¨Nevermore was founded in 1796 to educate people like us. Outcasts, freaks, monsters. Fill in your favorite marginalized group here.¨ Enid told the girls.
¨You can save the sanitized sales pitch. I don't plan on staying here for long.¨ Myra looked at the girl slightly confused.
¨Why not?¨
¨This was my parents idea, they have been looking for any excuse to send me here. Itś all part of their nefarious yet completely obvious plan.¨
¨What plan?¨
¨to turn me into a version of themselves.¨ Myra nodded, understanding where Wednesday was coming from.
¨Parents can be like that.¨
¨Well in that case perhaps you can clear something up. Rumors have been kinda spiraling around that you killed a kid at your old school and your parents pulled strings to get you off.¨ Enid spoke looking at Wednesday.
¨Actually it was two kids, but who's counting?¨ Myra nodded
¨Very nice.¨
¨You tortured someone so bad with his nightmares that he was sent to a hospital. Enid turned to look at Myra as she spoke.
¨Thank you.¨
¨Welcome to the quad." Enid said, trying to change the subject.
¨Itś a pentagram.¨
¨The whole snarky goth girl thing might have worked at normie school but here things are different. Let me give you a wiki on Nevermore social scene.
¨Iḿ not interested in participating in tribal adolescent cliches.¨
¨Of course there is.¨ Myra spoke with a tone of annoyance in her voice.
She looked around the quad until her eyes landed on a boy painting what looked like a raven on the wall. His hair was in a bun and he was wearing the uniform with a jacket underneath the blazer.
Heś cute,¨ she thought. She snapped back to the conversation.
¨But the four main cliques are, Fangs, Furs, Stoners, and Scales.¨
¨Those are Fangs, AKA Vampires. Some of them have literally been here for decades.¨
¨That bunch of knuckleheads are Furs, AKA Werewolves, like me.¨ Enid pointed to the group of Werewolves.
¨Full moons get pretty loud around here. Thatś when Furs wolf out, I suggest you pick up some noise canceling headphones.¨
¨Noted,¨ Myra spoke.
¨Iḿ assuming Scales are Sirens?¨ Wednesday said.
¨You catch on quick, and that girl, Bianca Barclay is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty.¨ Enid pointed out.
¨Although her crownś been slipping lately. She used to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe.¨ Myra again looked at the boy painting on the wall.
¨But they broke up at the beginning of the semester. Reason unknown.¨
¨I know right, my blog is like the number one source for Nevermore gossip.¨
Myra rolled her eyes, but tried to hide it from the blonde. She had never been one for gossip, everyone knowing everything about her made her feel exposed and vulnerable.
¨Yo, Enid! You're not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommates. One eats human flesh, totally chowed down on that kid they murdered. The other completely tortured a kid with his nightmares so bad that he's in the hospital. You better watch your back.¨ Enid stepped to the side of Myra and Wednesday looked at the boy in the beanie. Wednesday spoke first.
¨Quite the contrary. I actually filet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets.¨
¨Oh, thatś cool.¨ Myra said, then turned to look at the boy.
Myra raised an eyebrow. ¨ Actually he was the one who touched me and made me go in his mind so thatś on him. Double check your sources next time.¨
¨Ajax these are my new roommates, Myra and Wednesday.¨
¨Woah, youŕe in black and white. Like a living Instagram filter.¨ Enid pushed him away, while Myra rolled her eyes at the boy.
¨Ignore him, gorgons spend way too much time getting stoned. Heś cute but clueless. You know itś a small school and there isn't much online about you. You should really get Snapchat and Tiktok.¨
¨I find social media to be soul sucking void of meaningless affirmation.¨
¨I have Snapchat, but I find Tiktok to be an mindless contraption for the ones who try to get fame.¨
Enid took Myra and Wednesday to go pick up their schedules and uniforms,both girls quickly got changed.  Myra went with a white dress shirt, violet sleeveless sweater, black dress pants, along with the Nevermore blazer.

Wednesday went to go speak to her parents, while Enid and Myra went up to their room.

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