Chapter 3: Battle of Mustafar

Start from the beginning

"Return fire!" Dooku yelled. The CIS fleet let loose their own barrage of fire at both fleets. Soon it was chaos.

"Darth Malgus, I thought we were in agreement to ally with Darth Tyranus?" Imperius questioned.

"There will be no peace only war," A chilling voice said behind Marr and Imperius.

"I am Darth Nox, and this is our second chance to remake the empire greater than ever before." VROOM! A crimson blade activated. Recognition and horror on Imperious' face at the name drop. Swinging with inhuman speed that only a person with high force sensitivity could achieve, Nox's blade swung at Imperious. She dodged backing away from Nox. Nox snarled and tried to follow but two Sith warriors stepped forward clearly allies with Imperius, they would fight Nox.

Suddenly the already tense bridge erupted into chaos as Sith soldiers and Sith warriors aligning themselves to Marr-Imperius fought against Malgus and his loyalists. Lightsabers activated and Sith slayed Sith, soon limbs were scattering the floor of the bridge and all over the ship blaster fire could be heard. Malgus quickly grabbed the communication officer who was hiding under his desk. "Contact all our forces! We must destroy Marr and Imperius and any supporters they have." Soon parts of the Sith fleet above the fiery world began to shoot at each other.

KA-BOOM! The first ship a Sith vessel exploded above Mustafar. Dooku ordered the Super Tactical Droid, "Get our forces in transports and board the nearest enemy vessels."

The Tactical Droid nodded, "Roger, roger, I would advise, Count Dooku for you to leave the field. Likely hood of a Separatist victory is low."

Dooku face was grim but he understood, "Try to reposition your fleet and pincer any enemy ships you can!" He had to get back to his master and tell him about the Sith Empire's return. He soon left the bridge making his way to his shuttle.

Nox faced two Sith warriors that unfortunately allied with Imperius and Marr, "There will be no mercy for you two." She said as she stared at Imperius behind them. Imperius had fear in her eyes backing away from her and the fight on the bridge. "You will be shown no mercy," One of the warriors said.

"Do you have any idea who I am? I am Darth Nox, I am a version of her!" She pointed with her saber towards Imperius they looked at her confused and that's all she needed them to momentarily drop their defense and she went for the kill with her blade.

One of them got their blade up in time to block Nox's strike the other tried to swing at her but she kicked their feet out from under them then pulled her blade back and met the first warrior's blade again before finding an easy way around their defense and cutting them down followed by the second fellow.

Imperius finally pulled her blade from her belt as Nox approached her, she activated her crimson blade, Nox scoffed, "You call yourself a Sith Good-side of me? You are not a Sith I am everything you should be!" Her blade came down and Imperius blocked it they stood there blades locked, "How?" Imperius whispered.

Marr faced off Malgus behind them. Other Sith warriors fought other Sith warriors. Nox answered, "Darth Momin brought me here. When he told me about another me from another timeline. I was intrigued and planned how I was going to kill you!" Nox pushed forward knocking Imperius back and onto the floor. "You are weak!" Nox yelled, "I will enjoy making you suffer as I have suffered!"

Imperius got up and called upon the Force. Nox chuckled calling upon the Force as well. Both breathed it into their hearts. One of them allowed the Force to invite them into the center of a universe while the other became the center of that universe of power they were generating, and one was faster using their gathered-up power. Nox force pushed Imperius out of the bridge down the hall before Imperius could do her own force attack.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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