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I made the decision to continue monitoring the new arrivals, I was the best person to do it after all. As I made my way back to where they were setting up camp I scavenged some berries from a nearby bush but I needed true nutrients. I would just have to find some time to go hunting, maybe Lincoln would watch over the camp in my absence.

"You would not believe what happened." I say to Lincoln who was already stationed up one of the tallest trees. I mount myself next to him whilst explaining the whole scene that developed just a mere seconds ago.

"Shhh, listen." He directs while motioning to the mayhem beneath.

"We have to save Jasper!" A small brunette exclaims earning a dirty look from the freckled man from before. Putting two and two together I realized the one who was speared was named Jasper. I scribble that down underneath the prior information I gathered.

"No we don't, we have no idea what these people are cable of. There's no way of telling Jasper is even still alive." Freckles reasons, taking control of the situation.

"That's not fair, Bellamy. We have to at least try." The blonde states as I came to the conclusion freckles real name was Bellamy. These people were delusional, why in there right kind would they risk their lives for a single person. I simply couldn't grasp the point of it.

"The final answer is no, leave it the fuck alone." He aggressively warns, no one daring to argue. The rest of the day nothing eventful went down which meant there was nothing left to distract me from my empty stomach.

"Lincoln do you happen to have any food packed in your satchel?" I desperately question, registering hunting was off the table for now due to the  fact our fire we needed to cook the food would only draw unneeded attention. Thankfully he pulled out a bag of beef jerky that we split and within seconds it was gone.

"What's the plan here?" Lincoln asks, curious how long we were going to stay.

"I think it's best we watch for as long as we can, the more we get on them the better." I reply, knowing this was the plan Lexa would come up with anyways. He nods, agreeing this was the best move. We sat in that tree for what felt like forever and I was quickly growing bored, my thirst for blood was growing. A high need for battle came with being an assassin, siting and doing nothing had never been my strong suit.

"I've got a fun game, let's pick them off one by one until no one remains." I sarcastically suggest, attempting to find a way to pass time quickly.

"You truly are deranged, I've never met someone more demented than you."

"Aw, that's so sweet of you." I smile, taking the insult as one of the nicest compliments I've ever heard. A few hours had passed the the sky was growing dark, everyone was finding places to sleep for the night.

"Now would be the time to strike." I point out, none of them would even know what hit them before it was too late.

"Y/n." Lincoln warns, fed up with my psychotic ways. I throw my hands up in defense, promising not to voice my rational thoughts aloud.

As the night surrounded us time began to creep by, the only sounds made from the snores of the ones below. Around midnight I was on the verge of falling asleep myself but movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. I draw my bow and arrow, focusing it on the figure that glided through the darkness. With Lincoln fast asleep I jump down from the tree with a soft landing, he couldn't stop me now.

Following their trail I managed to catch up with them, if blood were to be shed tonight I needed a good reason or Lexa chew me out. I anxiously waited for them to pull some sort of weapon out or anything that would give me probable cause but alas they just stood there, taking in the environment at night. I return back to my post alongside Lincoln. Adjusting myself to where I'm comfortable I join him in the realm of sleep.

.  .  .

The next few days were uneventful, mainly consisting of them setting up tents and getting their shit together, even though there wasn't much action I actually gathered quite a bit data. I memorized nearly everyone's name and their relationships with one another. Against Bellamys will a group sought out to save Jasper and shockingly they all returned alive, and even though Jasper was in terrible condition for now it seemed like he was going to pull through. They had to began to put up walls for a false sense of safety, my people could easily destroy those if they wanted to. As of right now Lincoln and I were making out way to his hut for supplies, both of us were running low on food and fortunately he had some stashed away.

"Be careful right here." He warned as we stumbled down a steep hill, heavy rocks layered the surface. Taking planned steps I eventually made it to the bottom and just when I thought I was in the clear I tripped over something. I hoisted myself up whilst taking a glance at what sabotaged my trek. I assumed it was a boulder but there lied one of the girls from camp, Bellamys sister.

I continue walking, not seeing how her well-being was my problem but of course Lincoln thought differently. He carefully picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. How stupid could he be, when it came to helping people in need he didn't think things through. What would happen when she woke up? What would happen if she never woke up? Eventually the sky people would find out and think we were the ones responsible for her death.

"Stop being dense, Lincoln. She is more trouble then she's worth." I try to reason, this wasn't the time to be the knight in shining armor. He stayed silent, refusing to believe I was right. We entered the hut and Lincoln was adamant on helping the girl, he rushed around gathering medical supplies to tend to her wounds. It looked nothing more than a minor head injury but I prayed it was worse than that, there was no telling what would happen if she recovered.

"You're dumber than I thought." I scoff, he was putting us both at risk here. He didn't even acknowledge me, only focused on Bellamys sister.

The next few hours crept by, after getting food in my stomach I was bored out of my mind. As I was attempting to leave a low groan caught my attention. She was awake and all hell was about to break loose. It only took a matter of seconds before she came to her senses and began tugging at her restraints.

"Dumb bitch." I mutter, her gaze instantly flickering over to me. Of course she had no idea what I was saying but my tone of voice was enough for her to know it wasn't an endearing phrase.

"Where am I? Let me go!" She frantically shouted as if I was going to comply to her demands and let her go. Lincoln had just gotten back from scavenging and was sent into a frenzy when he noticed she was conscious.

"Don't speak english, we don't want her know we can understand her." I instruct Lincoln, he threw me a dirty look but still followed my directions. He attempted to calm her down by showing her his intent wasn't to hurt her and shockingly her harsh movements came to a halt. Just as things began to soothe down a loud creak echoed throughout Lincoln's hut. Someone had opened the hatch door and considering both Lincoln and I were standing beside each other it wasn't us. Swiftly I grabbed my sword, readying it for attack. Multiple pairs of legs lowers themselves into the cave like bunker. They arm crawled their way into the main area and had yet to make notice of Lincoln or I. Their attention was focused on Octavia, most likely wondering how she wound up here.

It was the long haired boy who noticed us, his first mistake was thinking he stood a chance against me. I took him down with one agile move, it was too easy. Before the boy had even hit the ground everyone's eyes were on me. I was ready to take them all down but Lincoln forcibly removed my sword from my grasp, that was all it took for them to seize their chance. I dodged the first strike but all it took was a rock to the head and I was down. I lost consciousness quickly as blood seeped from my head.

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