Everyone with Starwing suits have the feature of zero-gravity boots. Much to my and Tony's disadvantage, the activated boots would interfere with our repulsors. I had not thought to include this feature when I created Magentar's Exoskeleton; I was more focused on being able to withstand space, not walk. When I get back on earth, I will look into a few upgrades. Captain Rogers tries again to break open the door. This time, the bottom of his boot meets the metal with the help of the Starwing's capabilities. I hear commotion between our tech team; however, I tune them out as their chatter is of lesser importance right now. The Avengers burst into the control wing.

The headquarters of the Black Order spacecraft is expansive. We have barged onto the lowest level of the cockpit. The circular room expands through all of the levels of the ship. Floors of glass separate the different levels both above and below. Various controls and tools line the walls and cover the desks of each floor. According to Lucis, there are two floors in the headquarters for every one floor of the spaceship. Ebony Maw is located on the top floor. Much to our hindrance, there are ten floors between our team and him. The only way up is by a flight of laser stairs that have now been disabled. The personnel that were once minding their own business are now up in arms against us, completely prepared to prevent us from getting past them.

"Alex..." I trail off, waiting for him to reactivate the stairs.

"They figured us out. They shut us out," I recognize the extreme frustration in my boyfriend's voice, "We're out. Skye and I are working on getting us back in, but we're out."

"Well, then I guess we do things the fun way," Uncle Rhodey charges up his gun.

I look up through all of the layers of glass. Through the marching feet of dozens of Black Order members assuming their positions, I catch a sight of a villainous face sneering down at us with a confident smirk. Ebony Maw watches assuredly from the top of the cockpit. I narrow my eyes at the undesired threat who deserves everything that is about to come to him.

The soldiers screech and taunt us from above. Those surrounding us stand with their guns and weapons drawn. They join in their provocative chants in their native tongue. They step towards us and force us to step in the center of the room. I hover just a few feet off of the ground; my accidentally bump into Bucky and Uncle Rhodey. We find ourselves back to back with one another as the creatures encircle our team. Bucky finds himself right by Steve, who looks to his left to see Sam. Falcon looks up at Tony who hovers at the same height as me. Agent May forcefully cocks her gun and Thor nods once at her. Natasha and Clint have a hand on their weapons from where they stand in between Thor and Rhodey.

"Avengers..." Captain America reaches behind his back, "Assemble."

The captain flings his shield into the mass of aliens. Uncle Rhodey and I deploy rounds of targeted missiles to the heads of our enemies. Tony lights up the room with his repulsors sparing no one. Bucky chooses the gruffer route of brutal hand to hand combat. His fatal punches and rough neck snaps send the aliens to their maker. Arrows pierce through the air and into the eyes and chests of the silvery skinned men. Waves of bullets cross the room to different marks. Black Widow shoots a Black Order soldier who was about to jab a dagger into Hawkeye. Agent May forcefully kicks a table onto a pair of villains.

I watch in anger as an opening in the ceiling above us opens and more Black Order troops drop down to our level. As soon as the new squadrons have jumped through, the hole quickly closes. I take a deep breath as I turn to face the new wave of fighters. I pick up a metal stick was once a leg of a desk. I push off of the wall with great might and hurl myself through the battlefield. I swing the rod at the heads of those who oppose. My weapon shatters their skulls with a sickening crunch. When I reach the other end of the room, I drive the rod into one last enemy. I land to only find myself being ambushed my three men.

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