Chapter 3-The mystic falls gang

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The next day:

Lola's pov:

I just woke up and discovered I was in a purple nursery. I then felt a warm feeling around my crutch and began to cry. Mummy came into the room and lifted me out of the cot placing me on a changing table whilst giving me my binky. I started sucking on my binky as mummy began to change my dirty diaper. After my diaper change, mummy put me in a onesie that says "I'm an original" on it, with a pink tutu. She then clipped my binky to my onesie, picked me up and carried me downstairs to the kitchen. I smiled and giggled excitedly as I saw daddy in the kitchen making my baba. Once he was done, he turned around, gave mummy a kiss and gave her my baba. I reached for my baba as she undid the cap. Mummy chuckled and took my binky out of my mouth. She gently placed the nipple close to my mouth as I opened my mouth. I nursed on the bottle until I was done. Once I finished, she placed the bottle on the side and began to burp me. After that, she carried me into the living room and placed me in my new play pen. She gave me some toys to play with and then put on teletubbies for me to watch on the TV. After a couple minutes, I was watching the show with intense curiosity when uncle nik, as I like to call him, walked into the room and sat on the couch. When I saw him I giggled and squealed cutely to get his attention, it worked and he walked over to me. He picked me up and placed me in his lap as he sat back down. I noticed he was wearing a golden chain and begun to play with it, he didn't seem to mind and changed the TV show to something else.

A few minutes later:

I was crawling around on the floor in the living room, when I heard a loud bang on the front door. It scared me so much that I felt tears fall down my cheeks before I began bawling my eyes out. Daddy sped to me and scooped me up into his arms bouncing me up and down. "Sh sh sh darling it's ok." He said in a soft soothing voice which made me calm down slightly. Daddy used his thumb to wipe my tears and carried me to where uncle nik had gone to answer the door. There was a bunch of people at the door and it seemed my family recognised them. I whined to get uncle nik's attention and it worked because he turned around and took me into his arms. "Hello, love." He said to me as he kissed my head making me giggle. The group stared at us in disbelief and I hid my face in the crook of uncle nik's neck attempting to hide from their stares. "Niklaus what is the mystic falls gang doing on our doorstep?" Daddy spoke up to release some of the tension in the room. " I don't know brother that was what I was about to ask before I was interrupted by you and my adorable niece." "Did you just say niece?" A man with raven-black coloured hair and blue sapphire eyes said as he glared at me and uncle nik. "Yes, he did and that little girl in his arms is his niece. She is my daughter, I adopted her yesterday and it seems she has our whole family wrapped around her tiny fingers damon." Daddy says rather cockily to the guy, whose name I learned was damon. They all looked surprised and I reached for daddy to take me in his arms. He gladly took me into his arms and I laid my head on his shoulder sucking on my binky ready to fall asleep there and then. "Well, if you excuse me I have an adorable princess in my arms in need of a nap but I'm sure niklaus will take care of everything. It was nice seeing you all." Daddy said the last part with a small smirk on his face. After that, he carried me up to my nursery, placed me in my crib and turned on my unicorn mobile. After a few seconds, I fell asleep.

After my nap:

I have just woken up after my nap and it is pitch-black in my nursery. I got so scared that I begun bawling my eyes out until uncle nik sped in to the room, turning on the light and lifting me into his arms, bouncing me in his arms. "Hey, it's ok love, uncle nik's got you." He reassured me as I began to calm down. Uncle nik gave me bun bun and carried me to the kitchen where daddy was talking to auntie bekah. Uncle nik cleared his throat to get their attention and they looked at us. I snuggled further into uncle nik as he walked towards auntie bekah and daddy. "Hey nik, why does lola have tear stains on her cheeks?" Auntie bekah asked him. "She was crying when I sped up to check on her. I think she might be scared of the dark because it was pitch-black when I reached her." "Well thank you niklaus for your help I really appreciate it. I would have never guessed you'd be so devoted to her it really is a privilege for her to have such an amazing uncle. I'm very proud of you brother." Daddy said as he scooped me up out of uncle nik's arms and placed me on his hip. Uncle nik had a massive grin on his face as daddy said that and it made me giggle and clap my hands, the siblings turned and laughed at my adorable behaviour. Then uncle eli entered the kitchen. "I couldn't help but over hear your conversation and I have to say I agree with kol, niklaus you have become so devoted to this little girl that you haven't seen how much you have changed as a person. Kol I'm very impressed at how quickly you've embraced fatherhood and how amazing you are at handling this child. This is new for all of us and none of us have faced it as head on as you two. Lola is a gift and we should celebrate her, she is the one who fixed this broken family when no-one else could she is truly special." Touched by uncle elijah's words auntie bekah, uncle nik and daddy had tears slowly streaming down their cheeks. They looked sad and that made me sad so I begun to cry too. They stopped crying when they heard me crying and daddy looked at me. "Darling , hey, we're okay no need to cry." He said to me, I rubbed my eyes and reached for uncle elijah. He chuckled and took me into his arms. I truly did bring this family together. I was playing with uncle elijah's giant hands when daddy interrupted me by saying "Sorry elijah but I'm going to have to steal lola from you as we are going to the mystic grill." Uncle elijah handed me over and daddy took me upstairs to get ready to go out. He changed my diaper, then put me into a black onesie that says "Daddy's little devil " on it with a black and dark purple tutu plus a pair of black frilly socks. Once daddy finished getting me ready, he picked me up and took me downstairs to meet mummy near the front door. Once we reached the front door, daddy put a pair of black shoes on me, then put me in the buggy whilst he put his shoes on. Once both mummy and daddy were ready, daddy pushed me towards the place they called the grill. Once we reached the grill, we went inside and mummy went to the bar to get a drink for herself and daddy. Daddy then spotted the group of people that was at our door this morning except damon at a table so he decided to push me over to say hello to all of them. "Hello everyone", daddy said as we reached their table. "Kol, what are you doing here?" "Me and my girlfriend davina decided that we would bring our daughter here as it is the most populated place in mystic falls." " Where is your daughter anyway?" "She is right here." With that he unclipped me from my buggy and placed me on his hip. I hid my face in his chest sucking on my binky hiding away from them all. "Darling, it's ok their not going to hurt you." He said looking down at me. After he said that, a perky blonde teenage girl came over to us. "She is adorable. Can I hold her?" "Of course you can caroline." Daddy handed me over to the girl called caroline and she placed me on her hip. She sat back down and placed me in her lap. I begun playing with her fingers then daddy interrupted me. "You can pass her around to the others if you want." With that caroline said "Here you go tyler", and tried passing me to a teenage boy with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. "No, I can't hold her. What if I drop her?" I then started to do my famous puppy eyes at tyler, I knew he wouldn't be able to resist them. "How can you resist that?" Caroline asked tyler pointing to my puppy eyes. Daddy chuckled as tyler gave in. "Fine but only for a few minutes." As soon as he said that I was passed to him and placed in his lap. He looked at me funny for a few seconds but nobody noticed and soon his expression changed. Mummy has just come back from the bar and sat down next to daddy giving him a kiss as she did so. " Stefan heads up." Then while I wasn't paying attention, I was passed to a teenage boy with blondey-brown hair and forest green eyes. Stefan took me into his lap and I sat there quietly sucking on my binky until damon came through the door and walked up to our table.  I looked at him with fear in my eyes and a silent tear fell down my cheek. I rubbed it away before anyone could see it. I still had fear in my eyes though and I could tell stefan noticed. I snuggled into his chest and started to cry. Everyone turned to me and stefan. "Look what you did now damon." Stefan said angrily glaring at his brother. He passed me to mummy but I just cried louder and reached for daddy. "Babe, you take her." With that mummy passed me to daddy and he pulled me into his lap, damon stepped closer to us and I hid into daddy's chest further attempting to hide from damon. He is really scary. "Sh sh it's ok darling, I'll never let damon hurt you." Whilst daddy said that in his soft and soothing voice damon interrupted us. "I don't get it before she came you made our lives a living hell but since she arrived you and the rest of the original family have been nice to us. What is so special about that stupid brat?" Did he just say that about me? Is that what they all thought about me? I thought to myself then I didn't think anything because I was way to busy crying, then suddenly I waved my hand around and the floor set on fire. Then I cried louder and the fire rose. I was terrified, with out me realizing daddy sprung into action and put me in my buggy. He gave me my binky and bun bun, then pushed me out the grill with everyone following. Once we exited the grill, daddy knelt down in front of me. I couldn't hear a word he was saying as tears continued to fall down my cheeks. Daddy stood up and turned to damon glaring daggers at him. "Look what you have done damon, just take a minute to look at my daughter and what you have caused. When will you learn to care about other people's emotions especially the emotions of small children. I mean look at lola she sees you as a monster and I'm pretty sure she was the one who set the grill on fire because she was scared of you!" Daddy shouted at damon causing me to wail louder. Everyone's attention turned to me and daddy calmed down and walked over to me. He unstrapped me and picked me up into his arms trying to console me, bouncing me up and down. He gave me my binky and I started to calm down. I laid my head on his shoulder while the adults talked. Daddy told the group to meet up at our house in twenty minutes to discuss what just happened in the grill. With that we started walking home and I fell asleep in daddy's arms.

Mikaelson daughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora