Chapter 6: Faith

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"Nick, stop pulling at my hair please." I turn around and try to ask nicely, he just snickers with Michael making me roll my eyes. I sit in the isle between my little brothers and my mother. It's hot in the church today making me feel a bit sick, wishing that it was time to go home now. My mother holds today's program, fanning herself with it, making me wish I had grabbed one on the way in as well.

I look around, searching for Lucy's face as her uncle preaches to everyone. I had asked her at the party if she was coming to church today, receiving an answer that told me that her uncle wasn't giving her a choice. I have to say, I was more excited today about coming to church when I knew she was going to be here. I can't seem to find her face in the crowd yet though, knowing she could be sitting anywhere in the large church.

I turn my head back to the front, trying to concentrate on her uncle's talk. I do love church, it just can be a bit difficult at times. Especially today when it's hot and Father Richard's talk isn't very interesting. I look over at my mother and father, both of them quite intent on listening. I look back to my brothers seeing them swing their legs and play with their toy dinosaurs that they snuck in their pockets.

I look over my shoulder, wanting to see her face, but my eyes meet Austin's instead. He grins and gives me a wink, making me quickly look away feeling uncomfortable with his action. I shake my head and try to listen again, my thoughts just giving out and making me distracted.

I think about how Lucy promised that she would one day take me to the city with her, this thought hasn't failed to make me smile yet. I would love to get out of this town as soon as possible, and doing so with someone as exciting as Lucy, it just makes me giddy thinking about it.

About halfway through the hour, the back door opens softly, still making everyone look though. Lucy stands in her ripped, washed jeans and a cut off tee, pushing her sunglasses up onto the top of her head. She realizes that most people are looking her way, so she hurries and sits down in one of the seats in the back. Many people continue to stare, which I know must be making her feel uncomfortable.

I look forward, knowing that my mother will get mad if she notices I'm not paying attention. I try desperately to listen this time, but I can't stop feeling excited that she's here. I don't know when I really began to be so thoughtful of her, but it's just too hard to stop now. She's just so different from everything I've ever known, making her so intriguing to me.

Sure, I was a bit shocked at first when she confessed her sexuality and how she doesn't believe in God, but I think that just made her something to think about even more. I want to ask her more questions, but I don't want to come off as pushy or anything. I just hope she understands that I actually just want to be her friend, that I'm not going to judge her like everyone else in this town.

The hour passes and everyone has risen from their seats after the last prayer, I stand up quickly, wanting to catch Lucy before she leaves. I walk through the crowds who chatter with one another, making my way to the back. I find Lucy still in her seat, slouching and her arms crossed. Her legs sloppily placed as her sunglasses sit on her face. I realize that she might in fact be sleeping at the moment.

I look around, seeing many people pointing and whispering in Lucy and I's direction. I sit down in the space beside her, ignoring the watchful eyes around me.

"Hey Lucy?" I question, knowing that she has to be sleeping. I put my hand on her arm and give her a little shake, she mumbles something as she slowly lifts her head. She turns her head, looking at me with a confused expression.

"Oh, um . . . hey Faith." She blinks as she wakes up, pushing her glasses to the top of her head that pushes the hair away from her face. She blinks a few times before sitting up straight.

"I'm taking that you didn't get much from your uncle's talk today?" I chuckle which makes her shrug with a smirk.

"I think I'll be fine without it." She tells me, her tired eyes giving me a playful look. I chuckle and look down at the ground, feeling nervous every time she stares at me. Her eyes are just powerful sometimes.

"Why did you show up late?" I ask her, lifting my eyes to hers again.

"Forgot to set my alarm, kind of panicked when I realized how late I was going to be. Hopefully my uncle takes it easy on me." She shrugs without a care, making me look to our priest, thinking it's weird that he's really her uncle.

"You look pretty in that dress." She then points out, looking down at my blue dress.

"Thank you." I half smile, feeling a small blush on my cheeks. Every time she compliments me, I can't help but feel really good about it. Almost as if her opinion mattered more. I find my eyes trace her tattoos on her arms, wishing I could trace them with my fingertips. I don't know why they fascinate me so much.

"So what do people usually do around her after church?" She asks me, leaning back once again and placing her hands behind her head.

"My family usually goes home and has lunch. Then we usually spend our time resting or having bible study. Sometimes we go on walks before dinner." I tell her, my eyes averting to the tattoo on the inside of her bicep which says 'It's Alright'.

"Do you think your family would want to give you up after you've had lunch?" She asks me with a small smirk, I look to her realizing what she's implying.

"What would you want to do?" I ask her, feeling an excitement rise inside of me.

"You could show me around town if you like, we could go on a walk of our own." She suggests making me smile.

"Okay, yeah. That sounds fun." I agree with a small nod and smile, hoping I can convince my parents to let me leave today.

"Cool, why don't you just meet me outside the church once you've finished your lunch. I think I might just hang around for a while." She suggests making me nod my head, feeling excited knowing that I'm going to spend more time with her.

"Okay, sounds like a plan." I smile as I stand up, knowing that my family has to be leaving by now. She smiles at me, giving me a small wave before I leave. I have a huge grin on my face as I walk out of the church doors, noticing that some people are staring at me. Probably wondering why I was talking with Lucy, the thought makes me sad to be honest.

I catch up with my family, telling my mother I was talking with a friend when she asks where I was. My parents think my happiness is coming from Father Richard's talk, making them feel proud of me. I don't tell them the truth, not knowing how I'm going to be able to convince them to let me leave after lunch just yet. I'll find a way though.

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