Chapter 3: Lucy

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I've never really thought much about what others think of me, I've never really given a fuck.

Being in a place, where there is not a single person like myself though . . . it makes me feel like I should be ashamed of who I am. All of their eyes, staring or glaring at me. Like they already know everything about me, just by the looks of my piercing and tattoos. They look at me as if i were some monster from a book, that has come to life.

I stand tall as I walk through the halls, not letting myself show that I i'm scared inside. Yeah I might have the bad-ass kind of look, but that doesn't mean I don't feel anything. Like now, the girls in P.E. class absolutely avoiding me even when I'm in the perfect shot to shoot the stupid basketball. But no, they don't pass it to me even if it means I'll score.

I'm not going to lie to myself, it makes me angry but upset at the same time. I've always had friends, even if it was just one at the time. This time, I just feel more alone than I have ever been.

The whistle blows, stopping the game after the other teams scores again. I turn around and look at the bleachers that sit up against one of the walls. I see that blonde girl, holding an icepack to her face as she sits back. Faith seems like a nice girl and all, but I think the only reason she attempted to talk with me was out of sympathy or something.

When we talked, I could see her staring at my tattoos with curious eyes. She seemed a bit frightened of me, but interested enough to keep the short conversation going. I don't know what she's really playing, but i'll worry about that later. Something seems sketchy about her, the popular looking type. I'll just have to watch my back around her, at least until I know she's safe.

She's pretty cute though, i'll give her that much.

The teacher tells us to go get dressed since this class period is almost over, I walk over towards the door with the other girls, most of them still avoiding me. I roll my eyes as I walk into the locker room, heading down the few rows of lockers until I reach the one I was assigned.

I open up the locker, hearing all of the other girls begin to chat and such. Only that one girl that Faith said she was friends with, being on my row. She avoids looking at me, as if she want's to avoid conversation. I roll my eyes knowing I wouldn't give it to her any way. She looks a lot worse than Faith.

Two other girls walk into the row, one of them including Faith. She puts down the ice pack and starts to open up her locker, a small bruise on her right cheek starting to form. I try to suppress any laughter as I remember the basketball hitting her straight in the face.

"You okay there Faith?" her friend asks, looking at the bruise with disgust. I take off my gym shirt and throw it into the locker, searching for my Nirvana shirt I had been wearing earlier today.

"Yeah . . . I'm fine Hannah." I hear making me look over to Faith, surprised to see her eyes on me. Not necessarily at me, but down at my tattoos that are on my torso.

"Hopefully that bruise goes away soon, you look awful." Her friend Hannah tells it as it is, Faith's eyes looking up and meeting mine. She blushes and looks away, starting to grab her clothes out of her locker.

"Yeah. . ." She shakes her head, holding a floral dress as she turns and starts to walk towards the stalls around the corner. I get dressed, already bored by this girl Hannah and her friend's conversation. After lacing up my boots, I grab my bag and leave the locker room, pulling my schedule out of my back pocket to see what class I have next.

I roam the halls, the first time in my life where i'm not being pushed by high school crowds. Firstly because there isn't many kids in this school to begin with, and secondly, because they're trying to avoid me. I put in my earbuds, letting my music ease my mind. Everyone's chatter and whispers being pushed away, it doesn't really help with the staring though. I walk to my math class, dreading it already.

Be My Faith (GirlxGirl)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें