Chapter 5: Lucy

Começar do início

"She was a really good singer. Her name was Amy." I tell them as I extend my arm out to give them a better view.

"Did you draw that on your arm?" The one on the right asks looking confused.

"No, a friend of mine back in New York did." I tell them and they raise their eyebrows.

"New York? That must be a strong marker to last a whole plane ride." The one on the left points out, looking impressed.

"Oh yeah, it's a really strong marker. Lasts for a very long time." I lightly chuckle, which makes them look more curious.

"I drew a dinosaur on my arm before . . . but it washed off in the bath." The one on the right says with a sigh, looking sad about it.

"Maybe one day, when you're older, you can have a dinosaur drawn on you that will last forever." I tell him with a small smile, his eyes lighting up at the thought.

"Yeah! That would be amazing!" He smiles looking to his brother.

"I want a dog on my arm that will last forever!" The other one grins, both of them looking excited with this idea.

"That would be pretty cool kid." I chuckle which makes him grin. They both then turn when they hear a voice call out some names, I'm assuming that it's their own.

"Michael, Nick?"

"That's our sister." The dinosaur lover frowns, "We should probably go now, or she'll get worried."

"Okay then. See ya later." I smile with a small wave, they both then start to run back towards the party. I chuckle and shake my head in amusement, I wish I could see the look on their parent's faces when they tell them about how they want dinosaurs and dogs on their arms forever.

I look back and see the little boys bumping into a girl, Faith. Her image rounding the corner and looking relieved when she sees the twins. I shake my head, of course she's their sister. The blonde hair, the green eyes. It was stupid of me not to notice the resemblance.

"Guys, mom is looking all over for you. Go, she's by the front doors." Faith sighs making the two boys nod before running towards the other side of the church. Her eyes then meet mine and a grin erupts on her face, it's hard for me to keep a straight face when she does this.

"Hey Lucy, I've been looking for you." She tells me, looking confused on why I'm hiding from everyone behind the church. She walks towards me, sitting down beside me on the ground. Her yellow dress floating down onto the tops of her thighs.

"It's more fun back here." I explain to her which makes her nod, but still looking confused.

"Is that so?" She slightly jokes with me, smoothing out her dress. I stare at her, forgetting that I shouldn't let my eyes wander longer than they are.

"Oh yes, there's no staring or whispering back here." I shrug making her frown. She looks down at the ground, perplexed on what to say next. "Plus, now I can hear you talk back here, instead of yelling over mother's swapping recipes."

Her smile returns as she fails to hide her amusement, her cute little round nose scrunching up. I realize I'm staring again, so I look away towards the fields and houses in front of me.

"It's true. My mother probably has at least three recipes to go home with already." She smiles making me chuckle, while one of my hands picks at the grass beside me. I can feel her eyes on me which makes it hard not to smile. A small moment passes by before she asks "What's your mother like?"

I'm taken back by the simple question, not having expected her to ask me something like that. I take a deep breath before I start, "She was a cool mom, helped me out with my school projects, came to all of my games and track meets, went shopping with me, trusted me . . . she was amazing really."

Be My Faith (GirlxGirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora