Near death

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Wednesday opened his umbrella quickly but took a moment to allow you under it. He seemed upset. You heard stone scrapping and so did Wednesday, looking up you watched a gargoyle fall directly above you.

"Hey!" You heard before you and Wednesday were pushed aside, Wednesday held you close even as he had passed out, the boy was on all fours beside you two.

You gasped, rain beating down on the both of you as you looked at the boy. "What--" The boy shook his head, looking at the broken gargoyle you let your head fall to the ground and looked up at the sky.


"Welcome back." The boy had said when Wednesday woke up, you looked at him and sighed. He had refused to let go of you even in his sleep. He looked at the boy sitting up straight as you got off of him and onto a chair near his bed. "Take it easy." The boy said, you hummed in agreement causing Wednesday to look at you.

"You don't have a concussion." You told Wednesday, he nodded to you.

"Just a nasty bump." The boy budded in, you looked at him as he did. He seemed fond of your boyfriend for whatever reason.

"The last thing I remember was walking outside, feeling a mix of rage pity and self-disgust." Wednesday told the guy- Uh Xavier. You frowned at Wednesday, something he picked up on. "Are you well Mi Corazón?" He asked you worried about your own safety, you nodded.

"I am more worried about you love." you frowned playing with the bandage on your hand. "I'm fine though." Xavier looked at you and the Wednesday but he continued to look at you.

"I never felt that way before." your gothic boyfriend said, you nodded silently to him.

"Yeah, losing to Bianca has that effect on people, I think." Xavier said, looking away then back at Wednesday he was fidgeting with his leg.

"Then I looked up and saw that gargoyle come down and I thought, At least I'll have an imaginative death with Mi Amore" he told the boy continuing to look at you, you nodded to him. "Then you tackled us out of the way." Wednesday said finally looking at the long hair boy. "Why?"

Xavier leaned back in his chair, clicking his tongue he looked at Wednesday. "Call it instinct." he said looking Wednesday up and down.

"So, you were guided by latent chivalry." Wednesday said, his voice was a small amount of distaste as he looked Xavier up and down without moving his head. "The tool of the patriarchy to extract my undying gratitude?" he asked, you shook you head at Wednesday.

"Hm-hmm. You know most people just say thank you." Xavier responded, you sighed. This was just going to be another fight with someone at this school.

"I didn't want to be rescued." Wednesday responded fast. You looked towards him for a moment and the looked at the ground choosing to tune the argument out.

"I shoulda just let that thing smash you to mush?" Xavier responded, "Let her get smashed to mush?" He pointed to you, raising an eyebrow to Wednesday.

"I would have rather saved Us myself." He told the boy back, the boy only laughed and looked away.

"Good to see you haven't changed." He said fondly, "If it makes you feel any better, let's just day a I returned the favor." He said, Wednesday looked up in thought, "Xavier Thorpe?" The guy spoke further, "You probably don't remember me. last time we met I was two feet shorter, 40 pounds heavier." He said extending his arm for comparison. You sighed knowing there was going to be a story.

not that you dislike stories, "What happened?" Wednesday asked quickly, you smiled at him, and he looked at you nodded towards you.

"Puberty, I guess." Thorpe responded, you looked at him in question while Wednesday looked at him pointedly.

"What happened last time we met?" Wednesday rephrased his question.

"Oh uh. Yeah, it... it was my godmother's funeral." Thorpe looked down, "Apparently she was friends with your grandmother, and they spent their twenties in Europe, Swindling the rich and notorious." He shook his head, "I don't know, but we were ten and we were bored, decided to play hide and sick. I had the inspired idea to hide in her casket." He told Wednesday, "I got stuck it was heading to the crematorium."

"I heard the muffled scream." Wednesday recognized the story, Xavier nodded "I Just figured your godmother had somehow cheated death and was trying to claw her way out." He smiled, fondly.

You didn't like this encounter somehow.

"Either way you hit the big red stop button and save me from being flame-boiled. So...." He trailed off and shrugged, "Now we're even."


You were on the floor, staring at the ceiling as Wednesday typed. The bed squeaked making both you and your boyfriend look to it. He got up from his chair while you sat up, watching him.

"I knew it." He said looking at Thing. The hand that had been stalking the two of you. "Hello, Thing." He said as thing tried to rush away, Wednesday grabbed it. "Did you think my highly trained olfactory sense wouldn't pick up on the faint whiff of neroli and bergamot in your favorite hand lotion?" He asked the hand; you hummed looking over at the two.

Thing struggled against Wednesday grip, "I could do this all day." The gothic male said as they hand struggled slamming the hand down on the desk, "Surrender?" He questioned, not even looking back as you got up and hugged him from behind.

Thing tapped repeatedly on the desk; your boyfriend ceased retraining thing. "Hello." You said to Thing, Wednesday sat back down while you crouched by the desk.

"Mother and father sent you to spy on me, didn't they?" Wednesday asked, thing made a 'so and so' gesture and Wednesdays spoke again, "I'm not above breaking a few fingers. The fact they thought I wouldn't find out proved how much they underestimate me."

Looking away you sighed going to sit on the bed while Wednesday continued his conversation with thing.  He glanced at you briefly while you sat on one of the shared beds that were provided.

They did give you two, one for you and one for Wednesday but you doubted you'd be using them both.

Note/: This chapter feels short but hey! Thing is here! Yay! Also last chapter was made and posted from my phone.

An Addams.   /     Male Wednesday X F ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now