Out of everyone...

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I bumped into or crashed into someone who was making their way towards the school. All i heard was a big crash and objects falling and hitting the ground. I fell down to the ground and i would assume they did as well.

I should've been more aware of my surroundings, it was incredibly unintelligent and unsafe of me, now someone probably sustained an injury because of my carelessness. I picked a few of their items that fell to the ground along side the boxes in which they were being kept.

"My sincerest apologies, i did not mean to cause you any harm. It was very rude of me..."
I said to them as I got up with the box in my hands. I was ready to do anything to make sure the person was alright, until i noticed who it was

I shouted way too loudly, out of everyone that i could've bumped into, ESPECIALLY on the day that i was late. It was her...incredibly rude, spontaneous and loud. That girl had it all in terms of trouble. I try to stay clear of her but every time i go to support class to discuss about my hero gear, she was there ready to set me up to one of her deadly contraptions.

Hatsume also picked a few items that fell during our crash not before dusting herself off and fixing her iconic goggles.

"Hatsume, I very much apologize for crashing into you and i hope that you are not injured."
I bowed my head and gave her the box i picked up with all her items inside.

"Do i know you?"
She genuinely asked me, tilting her head

"I- wha- YOU KNOW ME"
I shook my head, waving my arms all robotic like, absolutely flabbergasted by her question. Was she serious? All those times she has utilized me as a test subject and she doesn't even know who i am!

"Im Tenya Iida, the one you disrespect multiple times and you always make me unwillingly test your monstrous weapons?!"

I sighed and shook my head, this woman is in fact crazy and i for once cannot deal with this craziness. Not right now.

"Sorry buddy doesn't ring a bell- oh wait i know you, you're glasses!"

She just closely looked at me up and down, with one of her hand resting on her chin, before shaking her head

"Apology NOT accepted then, sorry glasses but im afraid a simple apology is not going to work"
She said shrugging and giving me a small smirk

"I beg of you Hatsume, I am truly deeply sorry for my rudeness but please if you need anything for me, can it be at a another time? Im running late to prepare myself for class today!"

It was true, it was my mistake and I should've done it but it was bad timing.

Hatsume gave me a confused and weird look, the same one that Uraraka and Midoriya gave me earlier. She then bursted out into laughter.

"Look engine legs, I don't know which day you're living but today is Saturday" she'd say wiping away a singular tear.

I heard nothing but a crack sound in my head, like if something snapped. I stood there bewildered at this new revelation as Hatsume was still laughing.

"S-Saturday?... SATURDAY?!"

I said beating myself up, how could i be so stupid!! It would have explain everything and that could have also saved me precious time. I placed my hands over my head and mentally beat myself up.

"That would mean the schedule was wrong or maybe it was the alarm clock. Either way it is all my fault."

I mumbled to myself as i would hear a snickering in the background

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