The daily routine

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How do you describe a perfect morning? Well I Iida Tenya describe it as peaceful with no interruptions. Lucky my mornings are just that...sometimes. It is quite important to have a morning schedule, all though my school UA since it is an upstanding institution it already has its scheduling. It tells us the hour when we enter, the clases me and my peers take and the hour when we leave. Since we enter at 8:00 in the morning, i fortunately have plenty of time to take this opportunity and get a bit of exercise in.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off, mostly people would have their alarm in their celular device but i think its much more efficient having an alarm clock.

"It is 5:00am , get up, brush teeth, change to exercise gear and jog around the campus"
I reminded myself of the activities i must do before the day actually starts.

I make my way to class 1-A dorm's lavatory, there I brush my teeth and floss. It is very important to wash the germs, i also washed my face. Then I changed into my exercise gear that consists sweat pants and a lycra shirt.

I then made my way to the dorm's shared kitchen I had to retrieve my water bottle before commencing anything. As i made my way to the kitchen before opening the fridge's door, i noticed a figure on one of the chairs of the table. A brunette facing down using her arms as support for her face. I immediately knew who it was

"Good morning Uraraka"
I greeted her as I opened the fridge to retrieve my bottle. I only hear a small yelping noise followed by the chair shuffling a bit.

"IM UP! Huh, good morning Iida"
She responded as I closed the fridge's door and turned around to see my dear friend.

"You're up early Uraraka"

"Yeah, well I could barely sleep last night I don't know why"
She yawned and stretched her arms.

"That is very unfortunate, It is very important to at least get 8 hours of sleep. The human body requires it"
I said while doing a robotic chopping movement with my hands

"I'll try"
She chuckled while still stretching
"Going on your morning run?"

"Indeed, you know how the common phrasing goes. The ave that arrives in the daybreak, receives the best earthworm"
I confidently say

"Pfft I don't think thats how it goes but that is certainly true! Anyway don't let me stop you, hope you have a good run Iida"

"Ah yes, thank you Uraraka! See you in class!"
Uraraka gave me a weird look before i made my way out the door and towards the stairs of the dorm.

The sun barely even come out yet, I notice and also the fresh breeze of the morning hits my skin. Some security are still patrolling the area, we never know when the next villain attack might be. Though some teachers were hesitant to let the students do any morning activities, they decided that as long as they were inside of the school grounds it was acceptable.

Before going on my daily run, I, as any responsible athletes would do, started to stretch to not get any muscle cramps during the day.

As I stretched and warmed up, from afar I noticed a familiar unbrushed and messy green hair in the distance. I knew exactly who is was so i made my way towards him.

"Good morning Midoriya!"
I greeted my good friend and i jogged to him

"Oh, good morning to you too Iida!"
Midoriya looked all tired and was sweating from probably exercising as well, he had in his hands a notebook and was writing down something before i greeted him

"Are you practicing those leg exercises i recommend to you?"
I asked him as i adjusted my glasses

"Yep! I can't thank you enough for this Iida! Although i still have a lot to do before mastering my shoot style"
Midoriya smiled as he closed his notebook

"That is true, though i am seeing a significant and impressive improvement coming from you! I must say this new technique you are utilizing is much better for you."
I was very impressed by my friend,especially since now with his new moveset he hasn't gotten hurt.

"And also with my hero suit's upgrade, it has really helped me practice more!"
He said as he showed me some notes he took

"Ah of course, the support class did an excellent job on everyone's upgrades"
I stiffly raised my fist in a robot fashion

The support class was indeed great, they all upgraded class 1-A's gear. And i also made some new improvements to my costume just like Midoriya. The only issue i have with the support class, it was they had a highly dangerous individual who is nothing but trouble.

"Yeah, i think after the attack on the camp and after All might's retirement, I realized I had to make a few changes not with just my hero suit but with everything else"
Midoriya said looking sadly down at his hands which was filled with all types of scars.

"Indeed, I think it helped us all realize"
I patted his back trying to cheer him up
"Its all up to us to make those changes work"

"Thanks Iida and you couldn't be even more right" He showed an optimistic smile

After giving Midoriya some pointers and some advice on his moves. I looked at my wrist watch 5:30, i better get going, i do not want to get behind schedule.

"I wish i could stay and chat but if i stay any longer I won't have time for my jog, see you in class Midoriya!"

Midoriya gave me a confusing look.We waved goodbye, and I started my morning jog.

On my jog I noticed all the small things around the dorm that I wouldn't normally notice while going top speed. It was nice to notice and admire the beautiful natural beauty that was being kept inside of UA.

I also noticed some students also taking advantage of the time they have before starting school. Some students were jogging and or exercising, while others just enjoyed the morning. Some students were more of a morning person, which is very respectable.

I started thinking about all the things that have happened and during our summer break. The camp, it was supposed to be a learning experience for us all...well it certainly was an experience. And plus with All Might's retirement everyone is on edge, including me. I guess I just been...sacred? I really don't know what I feel, all of my classmates look at me like if i am always prepared but sometimes i just don't know.

The truth is I do worry a lot, even before entering UA. That is why i learn to keep everything in order, always have a plan for everything.

Thinking all these overwhelming thoughts while, just made me sweat even more. I felt a sweat drooping down my forehead as i stopped to hydrated myself.

I made my way towards a tree to sit under its shade while i hydrated, since i was jogging I didn't feel tired, i was very much used to running 20x times the speed. I was though tired of the intense training exercises me and my classmates had to endure yesterday. I closed my eyes a bit, just a bit, maybe rest my eyes for just two seconds and then....

*Beep beep beep*

I jolted myself awake as i heard my watch's alarm go off, i was still under the tree and the sun finally rose up and my surroundings were now engulfed in this soft primary orange/yellow mixed with pink.

"Shoot, what hour is it?"
I quickly checked my wrist watch again, only to see the numbers 7:30

I screamed to myself as I immediately got up from where i was sitting. How could i be so careless?! I was now late, i was supposed to be done with exercises at 7:00 and prepare myself to be ready for clases at 7:30. But now it was 7:30, i was still in my exercising gear not prepared at all.

"This is terrible, how did i let this happen!"
I scold my self

I started running but i felt as though I hasn't going to make it, i had no choice i had to use my quirk to boost myself to my dorm. I started to roll up my pant's legs while still running, i wasn't aware of my surroundings until....


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