Part Three: Realizations And Run-Ins

324 17 13

Original Prompt: "Stay With Me!"

Warnings: Mentions of violence, broken bones, blood, fainting, shock.

Word Count: 2,774

Author's Note: Here are some songs I used as inspiration for this part! Have a listen while you read! :)

Make It With You -- Bread

Shame On The Moon -- Bob Seger

Synopsis: The once lone drifter finally formed an attachment - one that he might very well lose as quick as he'd found her.


The Arms Of A Stranger [Pt. 3]

Snow crunches beneath your boots, the warmly illuminated sidewalk in front of you sending a ripple of momentary comfort through your shivering frame.

You'd never thought, in all your years, that you'd ever end up leaving Pennsylvania and let alone end up in Indiana, of all places.

It had taken some time, but gradually, you're making your way away from the life you were rescued from back in Pittsburg.

The life you can't help but feel ashamed of, looming thoughts of how many terrible things you may have initiated through your technological expertise alone, occasionally filtering through your headspace.

Though, as of late, you haven't quite had time to ponder much over.

You and your newfound Partner, of sorts, have been on the move more consistently than ever.

Between avoiding the hands of the organization you'd left behind and the new, unwanted attention you and your Partner seem to gain wherever you go, life's been busy.

But for now, as of this particular week, things have quieted down.

"Why does it always seem that no matter where we go, it's always cold and miserable?" You muse aloud with a chuckle, glancing up at the man you're keeping pace with, his own huff of laughter following.

"'Tis the season," He jokes, earning an eye-roll from you as you re-adjust the plastic bag of the few groceries you'd both taken a stroll to pick up at the local Supermarket, hanging from your arm. "What? Want to try and get to Florida? California?"

"I wouldn't mind that, actually."

Jack Reacher just grins with a shake of his head, his breath billowing and rising with yours into the cold winter evening air.

The pair of you continue on in comfortable silence, other than the rumble of the odd passing vehicle and the constant crunch of snow beneath your feet.

Though... Something feels off.

And though you're one hundred percent comfortable with the man you're easily keeping pace with, something you'd quickly learnt as time had gone on, the quietness and your surroundings...

They just don't feel right.

Reacher seems to sense your unease as he slows his strides, yours instantly falling to match his new pace.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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