Part One: The Incident

463 11 1

Original Prompt: Fist Fight (no weapons)

Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse.

Word Count: 3,310

Author's Note: The soundscape below was inspired by this part of the one-shot series! Have a listen while you read!

Part Synopsis: After you finally take your chance and leave your abusive boyfriend behind, what happens when he and his friends catch up with you? Will someone step in and save you from returning from the living hell you just escaped?


The Arms of a Stranger [Pt. 1]

A bitter wind blows against your cheeks, no doubt quickly turning red from the cold.

With a grumble, you simply tug the rather worn in jacket tighter around you, as if to seek some sort of warmth from the relentless winter wind.

Your booted footsteps crunch through the snow on the sidewalk, your pathway lit with the bright florescent lights from the displays of the shops along the Main Street you're trudging down.

Head bowed, inwardly muttering curses.

Today had finally been the day.

You'd finally left that ludicrous bastard you'd somehow once called your boyfriend, behind.

With nothing but the clothes on your back and the money in your wallet to keep you afloat until you can figure out what the hell you're gonna do next.

You hadn't cried - hadn't said two words.

You'd just left after you finally retaliated against him.

He'd hit you and you'd hit right back, sending him reeling across the living room.

You'd used his shock to your advantage and taken your leave.

But, knowing him... he'll likely already have the word out that you'd left him...

And he'll be out looking.

For the only one that could ever understand the world of constantly changing technology - unknowingly helping he and his guys to get whatever they wanted.

That's the key word.


You'd unknowingly become their most important asset.

All those years ago... one small challenge that your cousin had approached you with... and then... it just snowballed from there, with your knowing gradually becoming more and more... until... you finally had it.

And that was tonight.

You'd finally had enough.

Shivering, you feel for the change in your jacket pocket, mentally counting the coins.

Enough to at least get a cup of warm coffee.

Lifting your gaze to survey the rather empty Main Street, the falling snow bathing the ground in a white powder, the street lights illuminating the white world in a rather yellow glow...

A restaurant and bar sits a bit farther up the way - the one on the corner.

You can see it's welcoming lights from here, almost shining like a tiny beacon of hope.

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