"You experienced a Vampire attack, then got saved by another Vampire." Jungwon doesn't even look at Danah, busy writing extra notes on his textbook.

"Yeah, I'm pretty grateful for Sheep." For the first time in ever, Jungwon looks Danah directly in the eyes. Danah didn't know why or how but her heart skipped a beat, she didn't notice that Jungwon was this handsome until now.

"Sheep?" he smirks, as if trying to hold back a laugh. It was as if he was in disbelief.

This was the first time Jungwon had smiled at school, so Danah couldn't help but smile as well — she didn't know that he had dimples until now. "What about it? Are you insulting his name?"

"No, no. Not at all," he bites his lower lip in attempt to control himself. "His name is just interesting."

"I agree, when I heard the attacker say his name, I was taken aback at first." Danah admits. "However, I'm not one to shame names."

"How nice of you." It was quite difficult for Danah to read Jungwon's facial expressions, so she didn't know if he enjoyed talking to her or not. "What do you think of Vampires now then?"

"What do you mean? Like, my opinion on them now?" Jungwon nods. "Well, to put it quite bluntly, I didn't believe they actually existed until last night, but you'd naturally assume that creatures like them would be awful beings. You know what I'm saying?"

Jungwon simply continues nodding, it was obvious that he wasn't much of a talker.

Danah continues, "But since I met Sheep, I don't think all vampires are that bad."

"Nice to know," Jungwon looks down once again, quickly losing his smile as if he remembered something. I want to tell him that he should smile more often.

"Hello class," Ms Song enters the classroom, forcing Danah to turn around to focus her. "I see that everyone survived the Night of the Vampires. I'm glad."

Haruto raises his hand up from the front of class and Ms Song gestures him to speak, "I saw a few in my neighbourhood from my window early in the morning. I wasn't scared at all."

Oh, Haruto. Always acting cool. "I bet he actually pissed his pants at the sight," Jinni, the person sitting behind him, smirks.

"Was not!" Haruto starts getting defensive.
"Was to!" Jinni teases.
"Was not!"
"Was to!"
"Was not!"
"Was to!"

"Guys, settle down. The teacher needs to start her lesson," Wonyoung says and both students shut up immediately.

"Thank you, Class President." Ms Song thankfully nods at Wonyoung. Wonyoung is so sexy, I wish I was as powerful as her. "Anyway, let's continue our unit on the English language, yes?"

At that, one half of the class groaned in annoyance and the other in excitement.

"I wonder if the Vampires had already dispersed into wherever," Sullyoon says as the four girls walked out of school at the end of the day.

Danah had been on guard the whole day, looking left and right and up and down every few seconds. She would flinch at the smallest sounds and at sudden movement.

Minji agrees. "Do you guys think that the Vampires could possibly live among humans?" she asks and everyone stops in their footsteps.

"What makes you think that?" Sullyoon queries.

"I mean, Sullyoon and Danah both said that Vampires look as human as Humans. Who knows. What if our high school unknowingly contains of Vampire students?"

"Guys, don't talk too much about it. Danah seems traumatized enough," Wonyoung points out.

The two other girls are quick to apologize to Danah. "No, it's fine. I think it's important to talk about it," Danah assures them. I did almost die last night because I didn't know the proper ways to react to vampires.

"Your umbrella truly was the MVP, though." Wonyoung lightens up the mood, and Danah laughs.

"I would've been long dead without it," Danah clicks her tongue. "I'm bringing it with me wherever I go from now on."

"Woah, I can picture it perfectly. Danah, the Vampire Slayer." Sullyoon dramatically declares.

"Nah. Danah, the Goddess of Umbrellas," Minji corrects her in the same manner.

"I'm going to kill the both of you," Danah annoyedly pinches her nose bridge while Wonyoung laughs in the background.

On the other side of school, Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki were by their lockers, packing up to leave for home.

Sunoo and Niki were making predictions on what they were going to eat later for dinner, however Jungwon was in his own world.

"Jay hyung better be cooking something good," Sunoo crosses his arms.

"Guys, what does it mean when a girl calls a guy Sheep?" Jungwon says out of nowhere.

His two friends simply look at him weird. "What the hell do you mean?" Niki raises an eyebrow.

"Nevermind," Jungwon immediately gets flustered. "Let's go."

He begins speeding away, leaving his two friends confused.

Lovers in the Night | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now