A Darker Fantasy

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"Ugh... my head"
Noelle slowly stood up. She hit her head really bad, and she was still waking up.
"What... Is this place..?" She mumbled, looking around the decreped mountainscape she found herself in. That tiny scrap of strengh has been entierly eradicated, as she felt a cold breeze running through the void.
Suddenly, she heard the sound of loud, approaching footsteps. She quickly got up, but almost immedeatly fell over. But... Someone caught her.
"Noelle? What is this place?" The deergirl quickly looked up, and there was Berdly, in knights armor, like in a fairytale, or some weird fanfiction.
"Berdly... are... are you alright?" she asked.
"I should ask this from you!" Berdly's reply was sharp, and surprised Noelle by it's tone. "Your head is bleeding! You need a doctor right now!" he yelled.
"I'll be... fine" Noelle stood up, and that feeling she felt before returned. Maybe to prove to Berdly how strong she is, or maybe just some sort of adrenaline rush, but she had to stand strong without the bluebirds help.
"K-kris!" She cryed. "Where is Kris?"
"I don't know..." said Berdly.
"Well, let's go find them!"
Noelle stood up, and started marching forwards, with Berdly behind her. She was DETERMINED to see what happened.

The two friends soon arrived at a small castle, with a few tiny houses around it.
"How did a castle get in here?" Berdly asked confused. Before Noelle could answer though, they heard a horrified scream.
They quickly ran there, and there was Kris, standing in front of a small, pink horned monster, someone who looked alot like Asriel.
"K-kris..." The kid was trembling, as his green robe was covered in red dust. "W-why?"
"Shhh..." Said Kris, letting the goat lean on them. "It will all be over soon Ralsei. Everything will be okay... I promise."
One last slice, and Ralsei turned into red dust, with only a pile of clothes left behind. Kris grabbed the green hat, and out it on.
"Kris!" Screamed Berdly. "What the hell are you doing?"
Kris slowly turned around.
"Didn't think you'd get here this soon..." The blade wielding knight looked at them for a bit, and then nodded.
"Let me ask you a question... What would you do in a world, where your choices don't matter?"
Noelle was slightly disturbed by this question, but shook her head.
"I would try to be nice, and do my best." She said optimistically. But Kris just shook his head.
"Oh, I almost forgot how naive you are, Angel... Then, let me ask you a second question."
"What is it, Kris?" Asked the girl.
"What would you do, if you would have someone use you as a puppet? To manipulate your friends and to use you as a plaything while navigating this broken world? Would you give into it, let it do what it wants? Or would you rip control back to you, and try to fix all your problems without it?"
Noelle was about to answer, but Berdly stepped in.
"Alright, here's a better question. Why do you go around killing everything?"
"Oh, would you like to find out?"
Kris grinned as they whipped out a knife, and slashed into the air. Berdly and Noelle jumped back, and in an instant, they had a halbart and a staff with a heart on it right in their hands.

"Kris, calm down, okay!" Noelle screamed.
"I'm perfectly calm, Noelle." Answered Kris. "But what about you? You seem more... bold, more ready than you should be. Did you find it?"
"Find what?" She asked. But Kris jumped to her, trying to slice her with their glowing, red knife. She quickly used her staff to deflect the blow.
"Interesting" Said Kris.
"If you're impressed by this, then look at my attack!" Screamed Berdly, throwing his halbard towards Kris, but he easily avoided it.
"Predictable." They said. Then, they slashed into the air, summoning white and red slices, and all of them shot towards Berdly at once.
"Stop!" Noelle screamed. The hearth on her staff glew up as it shot out an icy beam, that manefested in a wall before the attacks could hit her friend.
"Ah, DEFENDING an ally, I see?" Kris looked at his childhood friend, and then they examined the staff. "So that's where the SOUL is during a fight. Interesting..."
Berdly suddenly summoned a new halbart, and quickly striked Kris. This surprised the knight, but attacked back with a weird, starlike object.
"Have you seen SAVE POINTS?" asked Kris. "Here's a small tidbit about them: they're really unstable, and also... explosive."
Kris quickly threw a bunch of these save points at the monsters, and shooting some yellow blast to make them explode. Berdly was hit by one, knocking him to the ground.
"Bye bye, bluebird" said Kris, with a red flash in his eye, as he leaped in the air to strike Berdly.
"NOO!" Noelle screamed, shooting out amother attack, a giant snowstorm, hitting Kris right in the head.
Krisses frozen body was flung back, breaking the pavement of the road outside of the castle.
"Berdly, are you okay?" Asked Noelle.
"I-im fine, just... uh... shaken." answered Berdly. He then looked at Kris. "Are they... dead?" he asked.
Suddenly, the frozen corpse started shaking, like if it was trying to break out. In an instant, a good dozen of red knives shot out of the ice, breaking Kris out of it, their eyes blazing red.
"Huh... So you taught her Snowgrave again? But how did she use it?"
"What are you mumbling about?!?" asked Berdly, obviously irratated.
"Well, that's my cue to leave." Kris quickly turned around. "If you'd need me, I'll be at the fields. But by then, I'd be strong enough to kill you both... And Noelle" Kris suddenly turned back, his eyes stopped glowing for a second. "If that red hearth tells you to do something, don't do it. It's not worth having two killers around..." Kris smiled, and quickly FLED.
Noelle looked down at the ice Kris broke out of. That... should have killed them. How did they break out?
Noelle couldn't answer this question, but she already felt more DETERMINED to find out what happened to her friend.

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