Remaining calm and still was difficult in such circumstances. Unable to remain completely still, she wiggled her toes anxiously in her boots. What was going on? Why were they all being herded together like livestock? 

Their horses were taken off to the side and Elysia glanced around to see where they were. She hoped they didn't search the bags. While Shade carried most of his weapons on him, the Princess was guilty of leaving her bow and arrows with the horse. Her knives, on the other hand, remained around her waist, concealed by her cloak. 

At last a group of soldiers marched in formation to the center of them all, carrying with them wooden stockades and other structures. As the group of onlookers watched, the team assembled a hanging noose and several stockades. Elysia's hand clenched onto Shade tightly, her nails digging into his palms. 

He glanced at her, warning her to relax. Such a feat was impossible in that moment. All eyes watched as they brought forth a family. Then, thrust forward onto his knees, was a man, beaten almost to the point of death. It was evident he had been tortured extensively. 

The man's face was red with blood, his eyes swollen shut. His hands were shackled behind him as he maintained an uncomfortable position on the ground. One of the officers stepped forward, then spat on his face, kicking the man hard in the side.

The crowd hushed, none of them daring to make a noise. 

The officer addressed the crowd. "This man is a spy! He was caught hiding out in a family's home. They hid him away, allowing him to take residence in their home. Their treason could have cost valuable information to be relayed back to the enemy. Back to Lyra. We will not stand for such mutiny!"

The officer motioned for the family to be brought forward. Elysia froze when she caught sight of a boy, not even ten years old. She clung to Shade. Surely this was a mistake. Surely they didn't mean to harm this boy?

Shade tensed beside her, his entire body rigid. 

"Each member of this family is a traitor and will be dealt with accordingly." He looked to the boy and signaled for him to step forward.

Elysia looked around to see the reactions of the crowd. They were all frozen, their eyes wide in horror. But nobody stepped forward. Nobody spoke up. 

"We have to do something," Elysia kept her mouth still as she whispered the words. 

Shade tightened his grip on her, pulling her closer to him. "We move an inch and we die. There are too many of them. Do not move."

While a week ago she would have refused to listen, she made a promise to him. He helped her reach Baccibalum despite direct orders from King Alan to return his daughter immediately. She owed him this much. Still, the thought of standing by and watching an innocent boy be hanged was more than she could bare. She turned into Shade, looking away. 

He nudged her roughly, signaling for her to stop. There was a reason these officers were performing this act in public. They wanted everyone to watch. They wanted them to see what happens when you aid Lyra. When you go against your kingdom. If she looked away they might come for her next.

As the boy reluctantly stepped onto the platform, Elysia locked eyes with him. His eyes were red and tired, wide with fear. And she knew this moment would give her nightmares for the rest of her life. 

They tied the noose around his neck. The officer was giving a speech but Elysia heard none of it. Her ears were ringing, her body tense. She was vaguely aware of Shade releasing his hold on her. 

The officer stepped forward, his voice echoing loudly in the silent square. "We will show the world what happens to traitors!"

Just as the man was about to push the boy forward to his death, the impossible happened. The officer made a choking noise, his hands reached for his throat. The crowd remained still as the man reached for the knife in his throat, struggling to pull it free.

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