"Good morning, the Uranium enrichment plant  that is your target will be operational earlier than expected, raw uranium will be delivered to the plant in 10 days time as a result your mission has been moved up 1 week in order to avoid contaminating the target valley with radiation" As Warlock spoke the looks that we're given around the room were looks of worry as they still had yet to get the mission training right.

"Sir, no one here has successfully flown a low level course" Olivia shook her head as she knew he was right and if they went into this blind it could result with all of them coming back in black caskets.

"Nevertheless you've been ordered to move on, captains" As Warlock walked off Pete and Olivia made their way in front as they looked at each other and Mav began the rest of the debrief.

"We have one week left to focus on phase 2, it's the most difficult stage of the mission, It's a pop up strike with a steep dive requiring nothing less than two consecutive miracles" He looked over to Olivia to continue on.

"Two pairs of f-18s will fly in a welded wing formation, teamwork and precise coordination of these aircraft's is essential to both the missions success and your survival, which believe me you'll want to do everything right to get home" Maverick only side eyed the girl as if saying why the hell are you trying to scare them.

"As you know the plant rests between two mountains, on final approach you'll invert directly into deep dive, this allows you to maintain the lowest possible altitude and the only possible attack angle" Maverick moved away from the screen as Olivia stepped up to explain the next part.

"Your target is an impact point less than 3 meters wide, the two seat aircraft will paint the target with a laser bullseye, the first pair will breach the reactor by dropping a laser guided bomb on an exposed ventilation hatch" Olivia drew with the electric pencil the areas they would be on and what would occur while in the air. "This will create an opening for the second pair" Maverick walked back to the front of the screen holding up one finger.

"That's only miracle number 1, the second team will deliver the kill shot and destroy the target that's miracle number 2, if either team misses the target the mission is a failure" They group had gone up various times already and failed on occasion or more than they'd like to so getting this right would take time but it was definitely not on their side.

"Egress is a steep high G climb out to avoid hitting this mountain" Many observed the animation and grew concerned at how steep it was.

"A steep climb at that speed your pulling at least 8gs"

"Nine minimum" Olivia knew that this would put the aircraft through a load of stress and the pilots and she could tell how everyone was worried if they could even pull it off.

"The stress limit of the f-18s airframe is 7.5" Rooster said it with such doubt in his voice that it seemed as if he too didn't think they could do it.

"That's the accepted limit to survive this mission you'll pull beyond that even if it means bending your airframe" The admirals did not like the words that came out of Pete's mouth knowing that was exactly what they didn't want to do.

"You'll be pulling so hard you will be weighing close to 2,000 pounds, your skull crushing your spine, your lungs imploding like an elephant sitting on your chest" A part of Olivia wanted to throw up at the sound of that but the other only felt a rush as she thought of it.

"Fighting with everything you have just to keep from blacking out and this is where you'll be at your most vulnerable this is coffin corner"

"Assuming you avoid crashing into this mountain you'll climb straight into enemy radar while losing all of your air speed, within seconds you'll be fired upon by enemy sams, you've all faced sustained G's before but this is going to take you and your aircraft to the breaking point" Rooster eyed Olivia as she spoke as he thought about the mission more and more.

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