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Following the night before I was able to get up with no problem despite going out and doing some light drinking. I was dressed and making my way downstairs with my backpack heading to the kitchen where I was greeted by the sight of my older brother who was sitting at the island eating his breakfast.
"Morning loser" I walked passed him to the pantry and he gave me a look saying who am I to call him a loser. "You should be the last person to call me that" I laughed as I turned around with a banana and granola in hand and a protein shake choosing to stand and place my bag on the side of the counter and begin eating my breakfast, I looked at my watch and saw I was a bit behind schedule but that would only add towards a dramatic entrance and I mean come on who doesn't like making people just a tad bit pissed off.
"So where are you off to today lie lie" he swallowed the reaming of his juice "going down to the base to do debriefing and some flying to see how everyone works" he looked at me and asked "are you giving the debriefing?" I nodded "given I'm a Lieutenant (2) I'm close to getting my promotion for captain then the rest of them, so they want to see how I work and eventually I'll be given a new rank" I smiled at myself knowing how badly I wanted that to happen Peter smiled as well feeling proud of his little sister and how far she came. Knowing that despite all the crap they went through as kids he was glad he was able to push her to be her absolute best in everything. Looking down at her watch Olivia realized she was now even more behind so she chugged her protein shake and tossed her mess away and hugged her brother goodbye and left a note for her grandparents and headed out the door.
*switching Pov AGAIN lol*

Pulling up 20 minutes later, Olivia parked her car in an open spot and grabbed her bag and headed towards the locker room, there she went to her locker and placed her bag and grabbed her flying suit out of it and put it on, she put the rest of her belongings inside and only grabbing her dog tags, Aviators, and workbook. Walking down the hallways Olivia took in the scenery where she saw multiple pictures of former topgun classes, spotting the one where her Grampa was in she smiled and walked over to where the first debriefing was taking place in a hanger, she let an assistant know she was there so when they were ready for her they'd call her. She could here from afar a lady shout.
"ATTENTION ON DECK" everyone rose from their seats and in coming walking in Admiral. Beau "CYCLONE" Simpson and Rear Admiral Solomon "Warlock" abates. Rear Admiral "warlock" began the briefing.
"Morning, welcome to your special training detachment" he let everyone sit down and he began once again. "I'm Admiral Bates neautic Commander, you're all topgun graduates... the elite... the best of the best" Absolutely everyone in the room had smirks on their faces knowing that it was correct but it quickly faded "That was yesterday...the enemy's new generation fighter has leveled the field, details are few but you can be sure we no longer posses the technological advantage" Olivia shook her head knowing how true that was and how they needed to work harder than they already did.
"Success now more than ever, comes down to the man or women in the box" Olivia saw the little interaction Hangman and Phoenix had and man was she smiling after Phoenix gave him the bird.
"Half of you will make the cut, one of you will be named mission leader, the other half will remain in reserve" Then there was an exchange between Hangman and Rooster who were clearly battling for that title.
"Your instructors are TopGun Graduates with real world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master" Olivia saw Mav come up next to Olivia nodding and she nodded back he would be introduced and soon after introducing her.
"His exploits are legendary...and he is considered to be one of the finest pilots this programs ever produced" from afar Olivia observed how the gust reactions were to resizing the man they tossed out of the bar last night was one of their instructors.
"What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death, i give Captain Peter Mitchell call sign "MAVERICK" Mab made his way to the place where Admiral "Warclock" had once been he gets up and smiles at everyone "Good morning" everyone's nodded their head without speaking, one person who looked away was Rooster, God how she wished she didn't know the reason behind it. He proceeded soaking on the manual and eveyone agreed when he said they should know it front and back, when he tossed it in the trash it caused everyone to tense up and the Admirals only knew this was bound to happen.. Olivia stood with a smirk.
"But what the enemy doesn't know... is your limits, I intend to find them, test them... push beyond, today we'll start with what you only think you know with the help of Lieutenant Olivia Kazanksy... call sigh ACE" Olivia walked over book in hand and placed it on the podium nodding at Maverick she began to speak.
"Morning, many of you in this room know me whether it be personally or because you know of my last name" She scanned the room looking at the familiar and unfamiliar faces.
"I like you am a Lieutenant slight difference is I'm ahead one class from you all, in this assignment I like Captain Mitchell will also be training you and pushing you beyond your capabilities... trust that I will not be lenient with ANY of you" Hangman smirked knowing she was a complete badass and so did Phoenix.
"Show us what you're made of" With the everyone was dismissed and the Admirals walked up to her and she greeted them as she was supposed to.
"Very excited to see you at your best ACE" Warlock smiled as he said that to her and for her that meant the world. As for Cyclone he was grumpy per usual "Let's hope you don't wash yourself out" With that he walked off and Warlock gave her a tight lip smiled and they were off to their planes when walking on the tarmac Olivia noticed Maverick and Rooster talking she knew that couldn't mean anything good she noticed how most were staring and she immediately went up to them and stood in the middle a bit to the side of them.
"Let's not do this here... whatever you both want to settle do it in PRIVATE not with an audience" She looked at either of them maverick nodded knowing she was right Bradley looked at her with a glare.
"You both gonna wash me out?" Olivia raised her eyebrows at him, did he really think they'd do that to him on purpose?
"That'll be up to you" she looked down and said
"You really think we'd to that purposely?" He fixed a strap on his helmet and said briefly "We all know what you're capable of" with that he walked away leaving her in awe, he most certainly held a grudge against her, Maverick placed a hand on her shoulder. "He's just Angry if anything it should only be towards me, you don't deserve this Lie" He gave you a small smile and walked over to his plane Olivia going shortly after, she was pissed and needed this time in the air to get rid of it all.. she was going to soar like never before.



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