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It was Monday morning and Olivia was up and ready to go to the beach as Maverick said they had to all be. She had left everything ready the night before to be on time and was placing everything into her car when a very familiar truck pulled up into the driveway and she smiled as she shit the door of her car. Parking the car stepped out none other then Bradley Bradshaw and he came towards her and hugged her and they both smiled loving the fact that they could now hold each other again.

"Ready to go?" Olivia nodded her head yes and tossed him the keys as he grabbed his bags. The two had agreed to drive together so none would have to drive home alone, or Olivia wouldn't have to drive alone.

"Yep got my things let's go" Olivia turned to walk over to the passenger side and put her seatbelt on and waited for Bradley to get in and before he started the car she placed her hand where the key goes and Bradley gave her a weird face.

"Now this is my baby Bradshaw so you best take care of her" He only shook his head as he laughed at her and he started the car and pulled out of the driveway. Olivia searched through her bag and Bradley looked at her from the corner of his eye and saw her take out a plastic bag.

"Packed us granolas and bananas" She held them in her hand and he smiled at her widely and he grabbed them with one hand on the wheel and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Thank you Liv"She smiled at him and began to eat her food so she wouldn't be starving hours later. When they finally pulled into the hardeck parking lot Bradley parked the car and hopped out and ran way too fast for Olivia to take in the fact that he went to open the door for her, she smiled as he held his hand out for her and shut the door.

"You really don't wanna mess up do you Bradshaw?" He laughed and made a serious face.

"No ma'am" Olivia smiled and they both grabbed their stuff and saw the other were already there and all waiting in Maverick. Everyone had a shirt on with basic training shorts and comfortable shoes and the classic aviators. Jake turned around and saw who were walking over and he immediately smiled or more so a smirk and lowered his aviators to add more effect and Olivia rolled her eyes.

"Well, well, well, took y'all long enough?" He looked at Bradley who only stared at him and Jake laughed and hugged Olivia calling Nat over to see her.

"Jesus you two stop to make out on the way here or what!" Natasha smirked as she spoke and Olivia smacked her in the head as she heard Fanboy and Coyote snicker in the back. Bradley walked up closer to Olivia and she was insanely confused as to why he turned her around to face him.

"Why hide it from y'all when I can just show y'all" Olivia scrunched her face in confusion and Bradley scooped her face in his hands and kissed her in front of them all causing them to all fake gag at them especially Jake.

"Ugh Jesus get a room" Bradley pulled away to smile at a very still confused Olivia and they all walked towards the benches to sit down while the two stood there and Bradley fixed the strands of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail due to the wind from the beach and Olivia starred up at him.

"What was that for?" He chuckled and placed his head against her head and kept looking at her.

"Let them know who's my girl" Olivia smiled up at him and they both walked on over to the group and sat down waiting for maverick to show up. When he finally did they saw he had a chair in hand and cooler, all gave confused looks at each other and he walked up to them smiling.

"Morning Aviators, I know I've asked you all to meet me here and I'm sure you're all wondering why that is" He got a ton of hell yeahs from the group.

"Today you'll be doing an on ground exercise something we like to call, dogfight football" Olivia smiled widely given the last time she played was when she was little in her backyard with her brother, grampa, Maverick and Bradley. He made the teams, Jake, Mickey, Natasha, Olivia, coyote on one team than Pete, Bradley, Yale, Harvard, BOB and Payback. They all set up their stuff prior to playing and while setting down her chair and towel she looked up towards the Harddeck and noticed Penny was sitting and looked out towards the aviators and she waved at her and she waved back, looking over towards the palm trees and noticed a figure standing in the shadows and she got a weird sense about it but couldn't put too much thought into it since they were all calling her over to start the game.

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