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She was hurt. Not physically but mentally, the whole argument kept flooding through her head repeatedly. Thinking how he could believe she could hurt him in such a drastic way, it hurt her to know he thought that way. She needed to be up in the air to clear her head to get rid of all this anger building up. She walked through the halls with her fists balled up and she was ready to cry but she was too tough to let that show, instead she put on a tough demeanor and walked to where everyone else was, Hangman was the first to notice her walk in and he could tell something was off so when she walked away from the group he followed behind and he called out her name.

"OLIVIA!" She turned around and stopped to let him catch up and when he did he pushed her into an empty conference room confused she said.

"What the hell Jake!" He closed the door and turned around.

"Relax, I only brought you in here so we could talk" She was even more confused then she had already been.

"What's wrong Liv" She shook her head and tried to walk away from him but before she could pass his shoulder he grabbed her arm gently and she looked at her arm and then looked at him obviously even more mad. He looked at her with worried eyes and she gave in.

"He thinks I intentionally meant to hurt him" He sighed knowing who HE was and he pulled her into a hug, her head resting ay the crook of his neck since he was much taller he rested his head on hers and rubbed her back gently.

"He'll understand eventually darling just give him time" she moved to face him and he placed a hand on her face continuing to comfort her the best way he could.

"What if he doesn't?" She let a tear roll down and Jake's face softened even more, both weren't known to show their emotions in front of other but when it came down to them two, they allowed themselves to be vulnerable in front of each other it's what made them trust each other and be like siblings. He wiped her tears and planted a kiss to her forehead and pulled away to grab her a tissue, he wakes back to hand it to her and she takes it.

"Olivia Kazanksy remember you are a tough women, despite everything you go through you will always push through" She smiled and thanked him for letting her have a moment but now she put on her tough face and fixed herself up.

"Let's go kick some ass" he smiled widely and put his arm around her and then walked out the door and into the hallway where the walked out to the tarmac. They both saluted each other and walked to their aircraft's where they were being prepared to ascend and complete these final exercise.
Up in the air Olivia and Maverick remained far from where Hangman and Rooster where and ACE and Maverick stayed silent on the coms leaving Hangman to make small talk with Rooster.

"So Rooster, mind if I ask you a personal question?" He said it so sarcastically ACE rolled her eyes at him knowing he was going to do something stupid per usual.

"Would it matter if I did?" Rooster kept checking around for any signs of either one of the two.

"What's the story with you and maverick? It's seems like he's got you a little rattled" ACE mumbled a small "damn you Jake" under her breath.

"That's none of your business" he looked away from him and kept searching for maverick
"Now where the hell is he" then a voice was heard on the coms.

"Been here the whole time" ACE watched as Maverick flew from underneath him and went above him inverted she shook her head at how stupid the action was it also left Hangman flabbergasted.

"Holy shit" was all he could say at the action maverick took.

"You see me now, come on let's get it over with?" Those words cause Olivia to turn her gaze at them and immediately objected knowing where this was going.

UP IN THE CLOUDSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora