Chapter 2 - Day 1

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Harry is woken up in the morning to the bed frame creaking above him, the ladder shaking as Louis climbs down as loudly as possible, swinging his foot in the gaps in a clear attempt to knock Harry out or bust his lip open or break his nose.

Harry just stares blankly at him as he walks off to the bathroom, Louis looking back casually as if that didn't just happen. Is this what he's going to have to deal with every morning? Returning to the bedroom, Louis lets out a grunt at the sight of Harry at the table at the end of the room, munching on a breakfast bar, minding his own business. Because it's really not that hard, despite how it may seem to Louis.

Harry raises his eyebrows politely as if to ask, 'is there an issue?'.

Louis stares harder.

"What?" Harry asks.

"What?" Louis responds more aggressively, as if he isn't the one staring.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're always in my way." That makes Harry glance to the floor, noting the considerable amount of metres between them.

"Do you need to use the kitchen area? Genuine question." It's not said with a snarky intention, but that's not to say he'll move if he does.

"That's not the point."

"I- okay, Louis... what the fuck."

"Ugh!" He groans, yet again, and storms back up to his bed.

"Listen, I know you're absolutely thrilled to have me here, but if you could contain your excitement for just a moment, that would be lovely." Harry says calmly, only just glancing in Louis' direction as he continues to eat his breakfast bar.

"You are insufferable." Louis says to the ceiling.

"You've mentioned." Harry responds flatly, because Louis needs to come up with better insults if he wants a reaction.

Harry must admit, he does enjoy antagonising Louis a bit more than he should. He knows he shouldn't add fuel to the fire, and he swears he isn't like this with anyone else, but Louis brings out the pettier side in him. He just can't help it.

Harry continues to get ready for the day, tidying his bed and brushing his teeth. Coming out into the room again, he takes a glance up at Louis, who is still in his pyjamas and lying on his bed.

"Breakfast is in five minutes. They're gonna be telling us what we're doing today, so you might wanna get ready," He suggests with half his body out the door, ready to leave. He's trying to be as polite as possible, he hopes it comes across that way. Louis sits up and leans over his bed, and Harry thinks that maybe he's actually listening to him for once.

But nope, because then he's reaching his arm out and slamming the door on Harry, causing him to stumble backwards a few steps into the corridor.

Alright then.

"You good?" He hears a voice chuckle to the side of him, but the tone is sincere, and he whips his head round. Zayn and Niall are standing outside their door, looking inquisitively between the door and Harry.

"Couldn't be better," Harry smiles tightly.

Today is going to be great.

"I slept so well last night," Zayn says when they're at breakfast, biting into a green apple and wincing at the sour taste so early in the morning. "The mattresses are surprisingly comfy."

"They are, and I bet you woke up from something normal, like an alarm."

"I did, but the way you said that makes it seem like you didn't."

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