Aftercare (Fluff, mostly.)

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"Fuuuuuck!" I exclaim as I cum for the third time tonight. I hear a small chuckle come from my mistress as I collapse on the bed with an exhausted smile. Causing her strap on to slide out of my hole. My ass is already a little sore.

I hear her putting the toys and ropes we used today back in our closet and in the basket of toys to clean and walk into the attached bathroom. I hear the water to the bathtube turn on whitch causes a long sigh to leave my body.

When my mistress returns she gently rolls me over onto my back before picking me up bridle style. The position is a little humiliating but I'm to sore to walk right now.

Once we've reached the bathroom the smell of vanilla invades my senses. My mistress slowly lowers me into the tub of warm water. My butt stings a little but it quickly fades away. The warm water working its magic soothing my muscles.

I rest my head back on the edge of the tub. My eyelids drifting shut. A small moan leaves my lips when I feel my mistresses hands covered it what I assume to be body wash slide down my arms. She works the body wash gently into my shoulders before moving onto my arms.

I can feel myself getting excited again when she runs her hands over my pecs grazing my nipples then continuing down to my six pac. I begin to feel really embarrassed and will look anywhere but her, praying for a miracle that she doesn't notice I'm semi erect. Though it would be impossible for her not to notice.

"You did such a good job, love." My mistress says as she runs her hands over my inner thighs. Thankfully not mentioning my hard on.

I dont reply and instead let out a small sigh of content. I feel her hands leave my body a couple minutes later and I whimper quietly.  Opening one eye I see that she is still right next to Me she is just getting a towel for when I'm ready to get out. She kisses my forehead gently and whispers "I'm so lucky to have you, I love you so much and your the most important part of my life* I feel a smile pull at the corner of my lips. I still get butterflies in my stomach when I hear her say she loves me.

After an hour of her whispering loving words to Me as I soak in the lovely bath. The water gets cold and she immediately wraps me in a nice and warm fluffy towel. She puts care into something as simple as drying me off. After I'm dry she helps me into a pair of soft PJs. They have penguins printed on them and they are my absolute favorite pair.

She walks with me back to our bed and she lays down and we cuddle. I have my arms wrapped around her waist with my face resting in the crook of her neck. I breath in her wonderful apple orchard perfume. I hear her say "Your so handsome" I blush and giggle before I give a quite "thank you".
"Do you to cuddle and watch your favorite movie or any movie you want?" I nod excitedly "I would love that, please" I grab the remote she offers me. "I'm going to get you, snacks and water while you pick out a movie, darling"

she leaves the bedroom and by the time I finally settle on a movie. She's back with two waters and way more snacks the nessasry. I watch her lay out all the snacks on the end if the bed before she lays back down and holds me gently.

I look at all the snacks that you layed out and I see, popcorn, two different cookies, chips, watermelon, pineapple, ice-cream, and my favorite candy's she asks

"What movie did you pick out, darling?" I show her the trailer before I start the movie. I snack for the first couple minutes but I feel my eyelids getting heavy half way through the movie.

"Good night, I love you" I barely hear her
As I drift off.

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