ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅ ꪻꫝ᥅ꫀꫀ

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A searing pain traveled through out Zarian's head. The teenager shot up groaning his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to grabs his head with his hands. Barely ignoring the endless hell-like headache he had, he opened his eyes looking down to his arms and legs that were tied with ropes. He looked up, catching the eye of Jake Sully. He walked closer to Zarian leaning against the thing nearest the boy.

Zarian was in way to much pain register anything else in the room but the adult.

The teenager pursed his lips, nodding slowly and pulled on the ropes. "Kinky."

There were a few laughs from across the room and the adult in front of his smirked a bit.
He crossed his arms over his chest. "I must've hit your head pretty hard, I apologise."

Zarian scoffed his tongue licking over his teeth, a habit he's had since he was a kid."Yea, you better fucking apologise. I have a killer headache and if I didn't I'd have your head on a stick by now." The teen glared up at the older fiercely.

Jake's eyes widened faintly, surprised at the sudden threat. His surprise lowered as he hummed nodding. "I'm gonna ask you you a couple questions, so prepare yourself."


"Why were you there?" The older interrogated crouching down in front of the boy.

"Where's there?"

"Quit playing dumb." Jake clearly wasn't impressed by that last sentence, anyone could tell by the look on his face.

He looked down. "Nah, I'm not telling you." "It'll take a while to fully explain it anyways."

"We have time." Jake frowned at the younger.

Zarian peered at the man, shaking his head, instantly regretting it. He squeezed his eyes tight shut, leaning his head back.

"Neytiri!" Jake called out to his wife, looking to the entrance of the hut and waited for her to enter.

A na'vi woman walked in, her hips swaying as she held a bowl of a weird soup with a spoon like utensil in her hands. She took a seat beside the puffy-haired boy bringing the spoon close to his lips.

He turned his head away quickly, in an attempt at avoiding the spoon. "I'm not getting fed by you. I'm not a child."

That earned him a slap on the back of his head, that in fact made his head hurt even worse.
The woman grabbed his chin, making him face her and put the spoon to his lips. "Eat. It will make you feel better boy."

He didn't argue with her after that.

His ears lay on his head once he finished the soup and turned his head to look at Toruk Makto. "Ask your questions prick."

"Was the food alright?"

He rolled his eyes grumbling incoherent words. He heard quiet laughter to his left and looked in the direction of it. There was the na'vi boy from before and one about his age. Zarian looked him up and down but looked away seconds after. "Yea it was fine."

"Okay. What's your name?" Jake questioned further.

He mumbled his name rather quietly.


"I said Zarian."

The two adults went silent and glanced at each other, concern and confusion written across their faces. "Your serious kid?

The puffy-haired na'vi's eyes switched between the two parents, his eye brows furrowed. "Why would I lie about my name?" He slouched in the chair.

"What's your fathers name?" Neytiri asked as she place a hand in the boys shoulder.

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