ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅ ꪻ᭙ꪮ

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(I don't remember every line from the movie sorry lol.)

Years later...

In a room stood a tall, honestly intimidating and well-built na'vi teenager. His name was Zarian, the boy who was taken in by humans all those years ago.

He'd consider himself way more matured and a hundred percent cooler in every plausible way. His hair was still short and fluffy, but it was more tamed. The boy had also gained in height, being around eight foot two. He'd learnt plenty of phrases — wether it been inappropriate or not — and tons of curse words, which he used constantly. As many may have noticed, every since he was born he had been cheeky, judging or just a spit of fire. But it casually gotten worse as he grew. Every one he had met through the years were used to it by now though, so it was pretty much fine.

Speaking of people, he of all people — a teenager — had to teach adults how to work their way through the jungle of the Omatikaya clan to kill the family of Toruk Makto aka Jake Sully. Sure, he wasn't at all a fan of him either since he had been told by the humans that he was the reason his dad died and all, but murdering the kids? Even he thought that was a step too far.
But it wasn't like anyone would really agree with him.

A group of adult demon-na'vi made their way into the room taking their seats.

Zarian rolled his eyes at the bunch of nine-foot tall idiots, crossing his arms over his chest.
"At least fucking half of you are going to get close to dying today." "A very odd bunch you lot are."

The oldest one of the load decided to speak up. "Whatever kid, what are you supposed to know that us, as adults, don't?"

The teenager tilted his head to the side, scowling. "First off don't call me kid Grandpa,"

" and secondly, clearly I know a quite a bit if your sitting in a room getting taught by a teenager how to play tag with forest junkies." Zarian shrugged carelessly, earning a few snickers through out the room.

The older raised his chin, looking at the boy with his eyebrows raised. "Alright, you've got a big mouth for someone your age."

"I always have, jackass. Now quiet the fuck down and pay attention." He squinted his yellow eyes at the old man.

"Basically, the Omatikayian's live in this huge ass cave. The only way they get in and out is their Ikrans." He sighed, not finding this amusing. "We'll be sending out helicopters and such around that area as a distraction for the big time warriors."

"How do we get to the kids?" One asked, raising a hand slightly.

Zarian pulled up a map on a screen, circling a particular area. "There's been a lot of action around that area for the last couple of days, so it's been estimated that they'll be there." "If not we'll figure something else out."

"If you get chased down by big black cat-like creature, don't shoot it, it won't help. Simply just run, sprint even." The na'vi boy finished.

The adults nodded, some grunting and mumbling in hesitant agreement.

He continued explaining possible hazards and what to do if you encounter such creatures, after a few minutes he was done.

He looked at each adult in the room expectantly.

"What are you wanting for you dumbfucks? Go get geared up." He instructed, jogging out the room leaving the elder speechless.


Once in the forest, surrounded by trees that towered over everyone and beautiful plants that glowed in the night. Zarian couldn't help but realise how much he missed it. He had missed the sound of the grass moving quietly in the wind, climbing trees, stumbling across an adventure after an adventure. Despite it being so long since he last been there, he was still connected to it.

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