3: Niko

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Team Y.

Or next opponent.

Sitting on the spread out futons, we continued about the new strategy against team Y. "We'll divide the clock into 11 parts and switch around positions when that time runs out!" Kuon seemed very excited to try this out as he explained his plan. Everyone nodded. "I dont think it's a good idea to keep switching goalies, so I'll stay in the goal." I nodded at Iemonds words as i had had the same worries as him. "I don't mind staying in defense either." Said chigiri with a blank face. I liked chigiri, but he always seemed so down. It kind of angered me for some reason.

Bachira would start the new strategy, and we would switch positions after 10 minutes. Everyone seemed happy with this strategy, and we went ahead and talked about the other team. The main problem was their top scorer: ohkawa hibiki. If anything, he shouldn't be allowed at the ball.

We stood on the field, doing the last of our prep, when raichi announced the other team's arrival. "They're here." We looked at the opposite entrance, watching as the red shirts came into sight. Their number nine walked upfront, clearly taking the spotlight.

The whistle blew and off bachira was. He maneuvered almost elegantly through the other players. He passed multiple rivals when he was stopped. He passed backward, only to receive the ball again in a matter of seconds. When close enough, he passed to the front straight into Kunigami's reach. "Thanks, Bachira." With a hard swing, he hit the ball towards the goal, and it would have hit if it wasn't for two defenders to throw themselves in front of it. Another red went ahead and shot it out of play. "It's clear!" He yelled.

Bachira kicked it back in, and kunigami went for a second try, being yet again blocked by two defenders. What was going on! They clearly are defending like crazy, plus ohkawa hadn't made a single move yet. What were they planning?

The ball that was stopped was picked up and shot towards a dude with bangs. My eyes widened, a shiver going down my spine. Something was about to happen, but what? That's when i saw ohkawa booking it for the goal. "Just as planned! Everything is going accordingly!" Niko, the ravenette with bangs, thought while passing in a high shot. The ball landed perfectly at ohkawa's feet, and with a hard kick, it stopped in the net of the goal. "Huh? How? It all happened so quickly. Were they planning this the whole time? We never had the upper hand! They were always one step ahead! Dammit!"

This time, it was raichi turn to start at the ball. It were the last ten minutes before the break, and he planned to make them count. "Just pass them all to me! I'll show you how it's done!

"Ahhhhhhh! They had the ball for the whole duration of my time! You were supposed to pass to me!" Raichi whined as we thought about what happened. "They're clearly taking ip time, passing the ball around like that. We need to claim it back and keep it if we want to win." Kuon said. "I heard even the top teams struggle against insanly defensive teams. Igarashi added. "Let's continue the strategy. Im sure it'll work." The team nodded, but apparently, chigiri had something to say. "If they can keep the ball for the rest of the game and our weapons are ineffective against, we'll die a slow death.

With the sound of the whistle, the match was resumed.

"Nothings changed since the first half!" Raichi yelled angrily. I chased the dude running with the ball. "If i can get this, we have a chance!" I slided for his feet, making him stumble. In the few seconds that the rival lost control of the ball, Gagamaru was able to shoot it towards Isagi. "Your efforts weren't in vain (y/n)." He said as he waved at isagi. I got up, going after the two in case they needed support.

Isagi passed at Gagamaru, who was now in front of the goal, but he kicked it too far, making it out of reach. "Oh? Whatever, i can make this." He thought as he jumped forwards, head first. He smashed his head into the ball, but the goalie was quick to smash it away. Another red then, yet again, kicked out of play. Bachira looked at the mass of players in front of the goal. "Crowd the box!" Raichi's yelling overshadowed all the others as he was desperate to get a goal. As i tried getting in a good position, i saw Isagi sprinting towards the other side of the field. "What is going on in that pretty, little head of yours, Isagi?" I thought, going after the ravenette. It was then that i saw that guy with bangs again. Was he what Isagi was after? What was his name again?

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