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Bill huffed as he took the hand of the carriage's driver. He stepped carefully onto the cracked stone. "Do you think I look fine?" Bill asked the driver carefully. The driver chuckled, "you look fine Bill, he's a lucky man".

Bill felt filled with a little more confidence and his polished black boots started to walk towards the grand entrance doors. He knew he looked great, he knew he was probably overdressed, even for a ball, but he was quite alright with that. He was in a black undershirt, a black whale-boned corset, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. However, the most defining feature was by far his golden cape draped over his shoulders, the golden feathers pinned to his left breast, and the golden detailed eyepatch that covered his injured eye. Sure his depth perception wasn't great, but so was letting people see the horrible scar he had on his eye. Letting the nasty and twisted scar see the light would completely ruin his night.

That's right his night, he could feel his confidence swelling inside him as he pushed past the announcers before they could ask him for a name. His golden earrings dazzled in the chandelier light, and the onyx gems placed in them seemed to get a rainbow schene on them. Eyes quickly caught onto this dazzling stranger.

That's right, dazzling. Bill knew he was the best dressed. The shinest man in the kingdom. He looked towards the large thrones, he saw the two kings, Stand and Ford. Even their eyes caught Bill, good, Bill smiled. He just hoped this confidence lasted until midnight.

Bill made his way over to a man with a tray of champagne. He grabbed a flute of the bubbling liquid, winking at the server as he did. He downed the liquid quickly, setting the empty glass back down on the tray. He'd never tasted champagne before, he could never afford it. He quite liked the taste, he was quite how to describe it besides 'wealthy'.

Women started to swarm him, asking who he was and if he needed a mistress. He made polite conversation, but as the talking continued he felt his confidence draining. The small talk was kicking him in the gut and he knew it, he didn't know how much longer he would last, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to stick around to find out anyways. "Ma'am I'm sure you're lovely, but I'm-" his voice was cut off by a flute of champagne being offered to him by a white-gloved hand. He looked at the owner of the glove, and wouldn't you know it, the man he'd been pining after, Mason Pines.

Prince Mason Pines, heir to the Pines' throne. He was completely aloof and not seen in public often, if at all. But Bill had seen him, he'd seen him sneaking out of the palace into Bill's apple orchard late at night once. They'd talked for a while after Bill had apologized for chucking an apple at his head. "No need to apologize!" He grimaced as he rubbed his stomach in pain, "It was a great shot!". Bill had fallen hard that night. When he found out he could go to the ball to see Dipper again, he was ECSTATIC. His dreams were quickly ruined by his brother's and Uncle Tad's ruining of his outfit.

He shook his head, driving those thoughts away. He took in the Prince. He wore a white outfit, something you'd see any prince wear, he had soft blue accents on his outfit. And a sapphire jewel, cut in the shape of a pine tree, hung on his right breast. His smile was soft, like his brown bouncy hair. His skin was a fair bit lighter than Bill's, his eyes were a murky brown. And his smell, even through all the heavy perfumes that the women around him wore, Bill could still make out the Prince's scent. He smelled like tea and dust, in a good way. Kinda like what'd you hope an old comfortable study nook would smell like.

Bill shot back the champagne quickly, handing the empty glass to one of the ladies, then swatting them away with a couple of grumbles. "Prince Mason!" He purred out, "Truly an honor!". Mason laughed nervously and sipped his champagne lightly, "Please call me Dipper".

Bill almost lost it, "Oh a nickname?". Dipper nodded, "My sister gave it to me". He flipped up his bangs to show Bill his birthmark, it was a lovely constellation.

Bill smiled lightly, "Well I can't use a nickname someone else gave you, that's cheating....". He let his eyes drift over the prince, he almost purred when he stumbled upon the Sapphire broach, and he fiddled with it. His tanned fingers danced around with the gem, and he enjoyed watching the prince become breathless, "Pine Tree?". Dipper gulped nervously, Bill giggled softly, "Yes, I think I'll call you Pine Tree". Dipper looked him straight in the eye, and he lost a little bit of confidence, suddenly feeling like the peasant he really was. He swallowed his fear, "What can I do for you anyways, Pine Tree~".

Dipper coughed a little, "RIGHT! YES! I um- I wondered if you'd like to um- to dance with me?". Bill was amused by the Prince's stumblings, "Sure Pine Tree, I'd be delighted". Dipper beamed, shot back the rest of his champagne, and placed the empty flute on a nearby table. He linked arms with Bill and began to make their way to the center of the ballroom.

Dipper suddenly stopped, scaring Bill a little. "I have one request though" The Prince spoke in a hushed voice, "What is it, Pine Tree?" "I need you to dance the girl part, I wanna win a bet with Mable". Bill let out an obnoxious laugh for a minute before catching himself, "Sorry, sorry!" he finished laughing, "Sure Pine Tree, I'll dance the girl part".

And he did, Dipper's hand on his waist and everything. He felt the eyes of every person in the ballroom bury in the back of his head. He smiled, good, let them stare. It was like two prized peacocks courting one another. And he was quite proud to finally be a peafowl instead of his usual standing as a mangy goose.

"You have lovely eyes!". Bill was ripped from his daydreams by the prince's compliment. "Thank you, Pine Tree" He felt weak under the smaller man's gaze. "What's the other one look like?" The prince asked slowly, "I think I'd like it very much". He removed his hand from Bill's hip, carefully undoing his eyepatch, and Bill allowed him. Good Lord, why was he letting him, he liked Dipper's hands in his hair that's why. It felt heavenly for him to unknowingly play with his golden hair.

He blinked rapidly as more light came into his eyes, there goes his eye patch. Dipper smiled and put the patch in his pants pocket, then placed his hand back on Bill's hip, "There now you can see". Bill laughed, "I can't really see out of it you know? It's pretty useless". Dipper huffed, "well at least I can see it!"

Bill felt beyond calm. He was with a man who truly understood him, well not yet. But with Bill's stubbornness, he's sure they'll find each other to be perfect lovers.

So he was content. Content to let Dipper continue to lead him in a waltz he didn't know. Content to let jealous people stare hatefully. Content to let any other thought besides Pine Tree leave him alone.

That was until the clock struck midnight.

Written by Polar (Me)
Username- Fluff_Magic (alt account)

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