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Charlie — December 25, 2020

The last time Charlie's entire family was around for Christmas, the anticpiated day started before dawn with excited whispers between her an Armin, wrapping up warm in dressing gowns and fluffy socks and creeping into the living room, slowly, so not to spook Santa Claus if he was still yet to leave. She sat by the twinkling tree with Armin, tearing open presents and giggling with joy. Then she hugged both of her parents in turn, who were sat watching their children, smiles adorning their faces and mugs of hot chocolate clutched in their hands.

Now, when Charlie woke, it was not to Armin excitedly shaking her awake, but naturally, and alone. Reaching for her phone to check the time, she found that it had just gone eight in the morning. With a yawn and a stretch, she heaved herself out of bed and grabbed the black jumper that she had left on the floor the night before.

After a quick stop in the bathroom to relieve herself, wash her face anf fix up her eyebrows and eyeline with makeup, Charlie made her groggy way to the living room. Everyone was gathered on the couch—Armin, Jean, Anya, Elijah and, most unfortunately of all, Paul. Charlie wondered if the air between her father and her mother's new boyfriend was at all tense or awkward. She imagined it must have been.

When the door creaked open, all heads turned. The tree lights were on, Charlie noticed, but the gifts were yet to be opened.

"They wanted to start without you," Elijah said, smiling warmly. "I convinced them to wait."

He wore the same green tartan robe that he used to wear on Christmas morning when Charlie was a kid. Was it the exact same one, she wondered, or a new, less frayed one?

"How thoughtful," Charlie drawled, struggling to keep sarcasm out of her voice. She sat cross-legged on the floor by the tree, and Armin and Jean joined her. The neatly wrapped gifts were labelled—most of them, Charlie noted, were for Armin. But four little gifts had her name written on them.

She reached for the one that she knew was from Mikasa first—brown paper, tied with a golden thread. It was so pretty, she almost didn't want to open it. Inside, Charlie found a small box, cramped with a vanilla-scented candle, some inscense, and a personalised zippo, enragved with the words: For my favourite wife, from Mikasa.

Chuckling to herself, Charlie slipped the lighter inside the pocket of her checkered trousers and reached for her second present. As expected, it was a pair of fluffy socks from her mom, and a new nail polish from Paul. She offered them her usual sarcastic smile, setting the extremely thoughtful gifts aside, grabbing the third and smallest gift.

There was a note attached to it, and Charlie was beyond grateful that she opened it before the gift. It read: Proceed with extreme caution around family. Merry Christmas, Cherry.

As Eren requested, Charlie did her best to hide the present from prying eyes without looking suspicous. Luckily for her, Anya and Paul could not have cared less about her in the moment. They were busy embracing Armin, who was thanking them for his new laptop. The only person paying Charlie any attention was her father.

Tearing away the wrapping paper, Charlie found an amethyst crystal necklace and a little jar. She popped it open, and she didn't need to look to tell what was inside—the smell was enough. Hastily twisting the lid back on, Charlie tipped it over, finding yet another note taped to the underside: Full ounce :)

That must have cost, what, almost two hundred and fifty dollars? Charlie couldn't believe it. She was going to kill Eren for spending so much on her.

"What is it?" Elijah asked, intrigued and grinning.

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