【 六 】

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   ♪—THE TIME CAME, AMALFI FINISHED GETTING DRESSED. A smile warmed around her mouth as she did a ballerina spin. She admired her outfit in the speculum while fixing her blonde hair, she combed it out while humming a song underneath her breath.

"I wonder what The Trickster is gonna think of me.." She thought.

Amalfi thought about scenarios if she saw him. Will he kill her? Will he admire her for her beauty? What will he do? Everything was quickly happening, but Amalfi didn't care. If even the police station was telling the truth about her dreaming when that killing happened.

She wanted to make everything come true, just so no one can tell her that she's lying.

When finding her shoes, Amalfi found her coat, putting it on. She opened the door, revealing the brightened hallway in her apartment building. Mr. Tanaka came down the hall, beginning to speak to Amalfi while she were locking her door.

"You ready? This concert will be fun, I promise it!" Tanaka promised.

Amalfi laughed, turning around. "I'm actually ecstatic.. which is really surprising." Tanaka smiled at Amalfi as they both walked downstairs, leaving the building.

seven hours later..

"Everyone ready?" Woo-Jun questioned.

The team hummed, sitting in their chairs, getting their cosmetic beat. The others left the dressing room, leaving Ji-Hoon and Ji-Woon together. Ji-Hoon turned to his brother as Ji-Woon glared ahead, looking at nothing but himself in the mirror.

"You ready, brother?" Ji-Hoon inquire.

Nothing but silence warmed around them. "We've been pushing this performance because of you. And you have nothing to say?" Still a silencing train, Ji-Hoon curses underneath his breath while leaving the room, slamming the door behind him.

The makeup artist finishes, packing her stuff, leaving the room too. He'd idle from the chair as he walked in the bathroom, checking himself out. "Everyone is gonna love me.." Ji-Woon muttered underneath his breath. He manically grinned while apprehending his drumsticks, then leaving the dressing room without no one in there aside from a few chairs and mirrors.

during the concert..

Everyone screamed, waiting on the performance. Amalfi saw Tanaka screaming with everyone else. She'd smile while glancing around, wanting to see if anything seemed different.

But nothing happened, it made her frown. A minute went by until the stage darkened. Smoke machines swarmed the stage as everyone turned to see. Four builds began showing in between the smoke while the fans screamed until their lungs couldn't take it anymore.

The band that Mr. Tanaka talked about. Girls screamed, shouting provocative sentences. Amalfi saw the band show from behind the smoke. Amalfi examined them to see their features clearly, there was no lie that they all were handsome but there was one that Amalfi specifically liked.

The drummer of the band. His black hair, sitting messily with purple strands. His black trench coat, his silk purple blouse that seemed to open a bit, and his black suit pants that tightly fit around his thighs perfectly. Amalfi was in awe and she couldn't take her attention away from him.

"I see you've found your bias.." Someone implies.

Amalfi turned, seeing Tanaka smiling at her. "Y-Yeah... I think I have." Amalfi saw him turn to her momentarily. Their eye contact sent butterflies to her stomach, she melted in her spot as he grinned at her then turned to pay attention to playing the drums.

"What's his name, Mr. Tanaka? He's too alluring.." She'd inquire.

Tanaka smile, dancing to the music.

"Ji-Woon Hak!"

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