【 四 】

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   ♪—WITH A SLIGHT GROAN, Amalfi walked in. "Where have you been? It's been two days!" The building owner implies. Amalfi stood in silence, glaring ahead of her. Her breaths shaking from walking home after staying at the police station. The man sighed as he lead her toward her home, immediately unlocking the door when they reached it.

The landowner sat her on the couch, searching around the kitchen, wanting to find food to fulfill Amalfi. "I saw him... I know what I saw!" She murmured. The man turned around when hearing what he heard. Amalfi saw the killer, but in her dreams, but for some reason Amalfi could not accept that what she had seen was an exact dream.

"Seen who?" Amalfi glances up.

"The trickster." She implied.


He groaned, awakening.

Nothing in the room, but Ji-Woon. He examined his plain room, he then begin remembering about what happened after coming home.

Bloody clothing, messed up hair, and dirty/bloody shoes. Nothing other than that had been what he remembered. Basically it seemed he fainted after walking through that door. Ji-Woon opened the bathroom, seeing himself in the speculum immediately.

The smeared cosmetics had been ruined. They seemed to be going underneath his eyes like tears? Was he crying when he killed that man? So much happened in a span of time. Ji-Woon left the bathroom, opening the room door to see his members on the couch, watching the morning news.

"The press stand outside the police station,
demanding answers from the chief. The station has found another body.. the investigation happened around 9am. Police say this person had been killed like all the others, sliced up until unrecognizable and an Ace play card on the chest of the deceased,

The journalist-woman finishes talking. While in silence, everyone became surprised when hearing what the woman had to say. The reason of this saga had been because of Ji-Woon, wanting to be an assistance to his band members. Ji-Woon awaits the finishing part as the journalist-woman began ending her reports on the murder.

 along with the multicolored kunai. Police reads the play card every time to find nothing different but the name The Trickster on each side of the card. Who could The Trickster be? Why is this man or woman going on such a killing spree? Find out with 8AM NEWS!"

Yo-Jun turned, flinching. "You scared me!"

Everyone turned, including Ji-Hoon.

A smile went around his mouth. "Good that you're awake, but have you seen the news?" Ji-Woon hummed as he separated himself by walking in the kitchen. The members followed as Yo-Jun began filling Ji-Woon in on what happened on the TV.

"Another killing happened! The police said it's the Trickster again, how can he kill so many people in such little time?"

Everyone glanced at Yo-Jun, feeling on edge about his statement. "Sorry.." Yo-Jun murmured underneath his breath as his eyes hit the ground. As another member opened their mouth to speak, someone began knocking on the door sufficiently.

Ji-Hoon walked to the door, opening it, meeting with Venom's manager. "The concert has been postponed for another week since another killing has happened.." Everyone groaned as Ji-Woon silently began sulking at the kitchen sink. He sighed while tightening his grip around the kitchen knife, the boy turned around as he began pleading.

"Can't we persuade them to let us perform? It's been months since we've had an official performance!" Everyone agreed. The manager caresses his temple, reassuring that everything'll be fine. "I tried already. Money, free promo, free everything, and they still don't wanna take the bait!" Won-Jun breathed in as he stood from the couch, getting his sentence together.

"How about we take our useful time and practice a bit more? The fans won't like if we're being lazy at the concert.." With that sentence, everyone glanced around at one another. Ji-Woon killed that man to speed up the process, but it seemed to be going slower and Ji-Woon was becoming irritated with waiting.

Ji-Woon curses underneath his breath, turning from the sink.

"These slow ass inspirational quotes aren't working! We need to perform one way or another!" 

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