Promise fuffiled (41)

Start from the beginning

"I call it 6th sense." Kioto responded. "I'm able to predict the movements of anyone near me. Along with a spiritual awareness which is how I knew you were above me."

"Interesting." Izuku said. "I've trained myself to have a spiritual awareness as well. It really does come in handy."

Kioto stood up and started walking a bit further out into the open. "How about we spar. It's been a while since I've had a challenge and your a pretty intriguing guy."

Izuku stood up and walked forward a bit as well. "You got yourself a deal kioto."

Most of the people there surrounded them making a small circle. Tokoyami walked forward between them and grabbed a small knife from his back pocket.

"Once this hits the ground the round starts. First to draw blood wins." Tokoyami threw the knife straight up and walked backwards. "Have fun."

Izuku watched as the knife started falling and implanted into the ground he sent out his chain for kioto's arm. Kioto caught it and yanked Izuku towards him. He dodged under a punch thrown and went for a gut punch but kioto caught it and tried stabbing him in the shoulder with the kunai end of the chain. Izuku ducked and jumped back along with retracting his chain.

Izuku stood still for a moment before taking out some throwing knifes and throwing them all at kioto. He dodged them all but then saw a sword that was thrown coming at him. He focused for a moment, analyzing. And once it was close enough he perfectly hit the blade to not cut himself and send it upwards, before jumping up and kicking the handle sending it back at izuku. Izuku didn't react in time and the blade just barely cut his leg before hitting the ground.

"Match over!" Tokoyami yelled. "The winner is Kioto." Everyone cheered for Kioto as he walked over to Izuku

"It was short but that was a very nice fight Scorpion." He said.

"I agree, although trust me there will be a day where I challenge you and win the fight." Izuku said grabbing his sword and putting it in its holder.

"Can't wait." Kioto said with a chuckle. He turned to the crowd and took a deep breath. "Alright everyone! We are very close to finishing the building! I want everyone working as hard as they can because if so we'll be done in the next few hours."

Everyone cheered as they started grabbing more supplies and started continuing the building. Scorpion looked on as he looked at Kioto.

"They all really respect you." Izuku says.

"Yes I suppose." Kioto said. "I helped and saved a lot of them. When they needed a home I delivered so I knew I had to rebuild immediately. We're all a family, and I wouldn't trade it for the world."

Izuku chuckled a bit before looking back at everyone working. "Your a good man Kioto."

"And so are you Scorpion."

A few hours later

A large group of the people helped lift the last part of the building and started moving it up to the roof. The building was almost done, this one piece was left and nothing else. Izuku sat to the side watching, they deserved to finish this on their own. He watched as they got it to the roof and they all climbed up and lifted it to move it to the right area.

Izuku watched as they all were smiling, all the hard work was almost done for and their new home would be done. Izuku watched, and heard a scream from behind him. He looked back into the forest around them. He turned on his heat vision and saw a few hear signatures out in the forest. He looked back at them all and no one else heard it, but he didn't want to ruin the moment. He grabbed his sword that he had put down for a moment and ran in.

There were three heat signatures, two against one, and the one was winning. He watched as the person seemed to dance around the other two and deliver many hits, some seemingly invisible. He watched as one body stopped moving and he hurried faster. He was close enough so he turned off his heat vision. He jumped forward about to attack, but stopped himself.

The two who were attacking the one were Lin Kuei members, and the one was a girl with glowing white wings and a glowing white sword in her hand standing over the still alive member. She put the sword to his stomach and looked down at him.

"Tell me any information you know," she said, her pink hair flowing in the slight wind.

"Why should I?" The member asked. The woman knelt down and pushed the sword slightly stabbing into his gut.

"Because I can either let you live and you run away, or torture you for days on end." She said shoving the sword a bit deeper making the man scream.

"I don't know anything!" He yelled out. The woman scoffed and took the sword out before slicing the man's head off.

"Why am I not fucking surprised." Her wings extended out a bit more as she started flying upwards faster then Izuku could keep sight of her. He watched the sky for a moment before looking at the bodies of the Lin kuei members.

"Who was that?" He asked himself out loud. He looked at the bodies and started walking away with a disgusted look. "You fucks don't deserve a burial."

After a few minutes of walking he made it back to everyone else as they were celebrating the finished building. Kioto noticed him and walked up to him.

"Hey where were you?" He asked.

"Oh sorry I just took a small walk. Didn't expect y'all to finish while I was gone but either way congrats." Izuku said sticking a hand out. Kioto took it and shook it.

"I guess we have some kinda small alliance now." Kioto said with a chuckle.

"I suppose so." Izuku responded.

1615 words

This should not have taken so long and I am sorry. This was a chapter idea I had for a while that I was excited to write. Then any and all motivation that had been building up left. I wrote like a sentence every day. So again sorry for how long this took.

In other news personal life is much better than it's ever been so that's good, and I thank you all for 10K views. Hopefully my motivation will be back to normal so if not I'm sorry in advance.

See ya

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