Tsu'tey [How you meet/Hidden feelings]

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-He lost his love of his life all because of the sky people.He couldn't protect her like he promised, the greedy low life humans killed her off.

-He was betrothed to mate with Neytiri, the sister of his deceased lover.

-He didn't love Neytiri....he dosen't even know if he could love again.

-That was till two Na'vi dressed like humans, one male and one female, was brought to the Home Tree for approval to be trained to become one of them.

-Jake and Neytiri were already hitting it off while you?Your trainer was Tsu'tey himself.

-Time flys pass quickly, Jake already learning the ways of the Na'vi people, as you and Tsu'tey slowly find yourselves falling for one and another.

-Your Na'vi was good, fighting spot on, weaponry not so much, but a Banshee?Your already half way there.

-As your being taught more and more by those around you, Tsu'tey finds himself feeling more attracted to you.

-He thought he will never fall in love again, but it seems Eway has other plans for him.

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