Their/Your Confessions

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Tsu'tey has been added so before you read this please go to the next chappie before reading this one, it would make more sense!



Jake Sully

-The way he confessed was by having the help of Neytiri's advice.

-Tuk and Neteyam were the witnesses of Jake, their father, confession.

-All you were doing was making small  3D cute stars.Teaching both of the two which wished to learn it as well.When  Neteyam managed to make his frist perfect star in comes Jake with flowers in hand.

-He gave them to you before kneeling down to meet eye-to-eye.

-He then confessed his feelings, yes also explains that Neytiri knows of this and approves, but will understand if you don't have any feelings for him like he has grown for you.

-Handing the flowers to Tuk you clasp Jake's face in your tiny human hands "Just shut up." and kissed him to which he melts into later on.

-Both children were disgusted but very happy for you two; Gaining a new mother while at it too.


-Jake was okay with a poly relationship, after the talk with Neytiri, he was open for you to become apart of the Sully family.

-This news was enough to make her finally confess her feelings.

-You were basically fixing a device, which isn't that much of importantance at all, to find yourself towered over by a unknown shadow.Looking up you find it was Neytiri.

-Once Neytiri seemed to gather your full attention she confessed right then and there.Yes, she was worried you would reject her, she hopes she can handle that moment of heartbreak.

-You on the other hand were actually amazed and wide eyed in shock.She loves you?All this time you had feelings with her knowing she is already taken.She was now confessing it.

-Smiling you take her one free hand, making her look down at you, soon kissing it "I see you." not long after.

-The witnesses of this was actually Lo'ak, Kiri, and Spider.The three of them already knew you two belonged together, it was kinda obvious.


-Your recovery was a challenge, but worth it at the end.

-The Sully Family did splendid on taking care of you...that is if Neteyam let's them near you that is.

-Neteyam became more protective over you as well as by your side 24/7, never once separated from each other.

-Due to the fact your human body takes a slower amount of time to heal unlike Na'vi folk, Neteyam legit CARRIES you from one place to another.

-One day he carried you to the docks.You were of course confused of why till he calls in an ìlu, hops on, and rides it with you in arms to a quiet spot under the stary sky.

-"The stars are beautiful." Neteyam smiles, his hold on you tightens a little, he was soon nuzzled into your untamed hair "Your beautiful.Just like a star."

-Your lost for words, feelings for Neteyam for so long beginning to come to the surface, as Neteyam leans over to tilt your head back a little.Just to make eye-to-eye contact.

-From there he confessed.He confessed everything, every word and detail.

-Your first instinct was to kiss him on the chin, Neteyam's eyes widen in shock but soften a second later, soon kiss you on the lips.

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