chapter 8

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Hii guys!! Sorry for not updating any of my books, but then again I don't really plan on updating any of my books anytime soon. But I'm trying my best to finish this bookk since is actually book and not one shots.

Author's note:
Tanaka currently has no idea hinata and noya met up.

Third person POV

Today was just a average day for Tanaka. Nothing was our of the ordinary. he went to school, then to practice, then home. He had no games to attend, so he had time for himself.

But before doing anything else, he had to do his usual routine.

Tanakas POV

As soon as I got home I slipped off my shoes and coat, and headed straight to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. Honestly nothing could beat a hot shower right now. I've had a lot on my mind recently... But I can't let all that ruin my day! I really want to just relax for a while, clear my head.

*after his shower*

Once I finished my shower I changed into my pajamas

Once I finished my shower I changed into my pajamas

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I guess now I could watch a movie or something... Maybe study.


I guess I could finish (insert series), I never got to finish the whole thing. The last time I watched it was with hinata... It was our show. We watched it on days just like this...jesus I can't get him out of my head. But what's even worse is I can't get the sight of noya with hinata at practice the other day out of my head either. When I think I forgot about it, it comes right back into my mind.

Even if it was just a harmless hug, it still hurts for some reason. But it hurts even worse that noya and hinata could have something going on. If they don't already have something going on, I know they will soon. Hinata loves adventuring And trying new things, and noya is exactly that. Something new. An adventure. I can't compete with that. I don't know why I can't just move on from hinata. Well... That's a lie. I know exactly why. He's perfect. Everything I could ask. He has zero flaws. He makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. I can't believe I let him go. I could've had it all. I ca- *bring bring*

the sound of my phone ringing cut me off. I picked up my phone from the dresser, the caller Id read "kiyoko". I know I should've blocked after what happened. But I can't. She's my manager after all.

I really don't know if I want to answer the phone. Not right now at least. But what if it's important... Mm. It's probably about practices or maybe a game coming up. I'll answer.



Hi Tanaka, are u busy?

Um no.. I guess not. Why?

Do you think you could meet me somewhere tomorrow?

Well... Um

I think it's finally time we talked about " it"

It? I guess she means what happened with hinata...

Okay. I guess I can meet up.

Thank you. Please meet me at ******* does 3pm sound okay?

Yea. I'll see you there.



Well... I guess that's that.

I am not excited for tomorrow.

                             The end
Sorry this chapter is short but I really am trying to make chapter for this book. I really don't know what else to say. Goodbye

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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