Death by 1000 cuts

17 1 0

3rd person POV

Peter WEBS to the top of the torch.
"What's happening?"
Peter asked
"They're starting to come through,
and I can't stop 'em!"
Strange yelled

"There's gotta be something we can
do! Can't you just cast the spell again? But the original way, before I screwed it up."
Peter yelled

"We're too late for that. They're
here! They're here because of you. A beat as this lands on Peter. Then--"
Strange rambled

"What if everyone forgot who I was?"
Peter suggested
Strange yelled
"They're coming here because of me,
right? Because I'm Peter Parker? So cast a new spell, but this time make everyone forget who Peter Parker is. Make everyone forget... me."
Peter suggested

" No."
Strange said

"But it would work, right?"
Peter said

"Yeah, it would work. But you gotta
understand that would mean that everyone who knows and loves you, we...
We'd have no memory of you. It would be as though you never existed."
Strange explained
"...I know."
Peter said
"Do it."
He said
Dr. Strange reluctantly nods, his heart breaking for Peter.

"You better go and say your
goodbyes. You don't have long."
"Thank you, sir."
Peter moves to leave--
"Call me Stephen."
Peter stops, moved by the gesture.
"Thank you, Stephen."
He corrected himself
DR. STRANGE (smiles)
"Yeah... still feels weird."
Strange said
Peter smiles back.
"I'll see you around."
Peter said
As Peter swings off, Strange chokes back emotion.
"So long, kid."
He says

Peter swings over to Me MJ and Ned.
MJ sighs with relief.
"Ems You're okay!"
A group hug. Then Peter pulls back, takes them in...
"Are you okay?"
Peter asked
"Yeah, we're okay."
MJ said
Peter notices a cut above MJ's eye.
"Oh my God, you're bleeding."
Peter holds MJ's face in his hand, inspects her cut.
"No, I'm fine. I'm okay."
MJ says
"Are you sure?"
Peter asks
"I'm fine. I promise."
MJ says
"Okay. Okay..."
Peter says
"Um... we should go, right?"
MJ says
Peter struggles to find the words. ECHOING THUNDER from above. The new spell is quickly progressing...
"You're gonna forget who I am."
Peter says
Ned responded
"Forget who you are -- what are you
talking about?"
I say
It's okay. I'm gonna come and find
you, and I'll explain everything. Me MJ and Ned's faces fall as they realize...

"I'll make you remember me, and it
will be like none of this ever happened. Okay?"

"Okay, but what if that doesn't work? What if-- What if that doesn't work? What if we can't remember you? I don't want to do that. I don't-- I don't want to do that."
MJ panics
"I know, MJ. I know."

"But, what-- Is there not something
we can do? We can't come up with, like, a plan or something, you know? There's always something we can do?"
MJ says
"There's nothing we can do.But it'll be okay."
MJ tries to catch her breath, as Ned's eyes brim with tears. I stand realizing I need to say bye to the other peter, no my peter!
"Guys I gotta go."
I say running off
"Hey are you sure you're ok?"
I ask peter 2
"Yeah uh you may wanna put me down and say bye too your girl."
I ask
"Go say bye to Emily!"
He scolds
"Ok ok ok."
I say gently putting him down and go looking for her.
I'm looking around for The other peter I turn my head and we lock eyes.
I run up and hug him
I say holding back tears
He says doing the same as we part but still having a hold of each other.
"This still feels so wrong."
I say with a sad chuckle.
We lock eyes but his flicker at my lips and back up.
"May I?"
He asks and I nod my head as he starts leaning in.
Our lips connect he cups my face and I hold his chest as our lips part.
"You're a very good kisser."
He says
I laugh smacking his chest my head looking at the ground as he wraps one arm around my waist and kisses my forehead.
I see him staring to disappear
"See you soon."
he says
"See you soon."
I say choking back tears
As he fully disappears I go to wipe my tears as I see my hand disappearing
"what the-?"
I look down as the rest of my body is disappearing
I look up and see Peter, Ned and MJ
"By guys I love you "
I say waving goodbye

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