So it goes...

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Straining... the spell nearly contained, when a blast of magic The spell erupts, billowing outwards. deep cracks, pierce through the night sky.
Atop Lady Liberty her torch no longer obscured. Dr. Strange floats above it, looking all around...
new rifts and openings split their way in.
He quickly sets to work, combating the Multiverse... sealing one rift... then
Will he be able to hold back the tide?
through the skyline.
onslaught of the another...

Struggling with Green Goblin, hanging off his glider... Peter pulls out a pumpkin bomb.... shoves it into the glider's mechanics...
It goes off and the two of them tumble, crash-landing across the fallen shield

"Ned... Ned!"
Me and MJ call
They run into each other's arms.

Peter gets to his feet, concerned, looking around...
Peter yells

MJ releases from the hug as do me and ned
She yelled
He calls

From the base of the Statue of Liberty, Me MJ and Ned look over to see...
Peter on the shield at the water's edge. MJ waves.
"Peter! Hey!"
She calls
"Are you okay?"
He calls
"We're okay."
she yells
He sighs in relief. Meanwhile...
Green Goblin JOLTS upright at the other end of the shield. The sun just beginning to crest the horizon.
Peter turns to face him, eyes narrowing, seeing red. Green Goblin rises, rips off his goggles.
"Poor, Peter. Too weak to send me
home to die."
The Green Goblin Cowled

"No. I just want to kill you myself."
Peter said Angrily
The Green Goblin cowered
Enraged, Peter rushes at Green Goblin they clash! Peter pummels him with a murderous intensity. Goblin breaks free and releases his arm blades and swings them at Peter as they battle it out... Peter getting the upper hand, brutally
beating Goblin back...

At the base of the Statue of Liberty, The older peter and The other peter run forward to see-

Peter batters Goblin until he's down on his knees... a barrage of punches... Goblin collapses to the ground, spent.

A quick look between the other Peters. We have to do something.

Peter lays into Goblin, who takes punch after punch after punch...

MJ and Ned look on with concern as--

Peter grabs Goblin's glider, crashed at the base of the shield.
He drifts towards Goblin, murder in his eyes... lifts the glider over his head, about to bring the gleaming blades down on Goblin when--

The older peter jumps between them, stopping Peter!
Peter screams, unrelenting...
A pleading look on the older peter's face.
"Don't do this."
The older peter pleaded
Slowly, gradually... Peter relaxes. A wordless understanding between the two Peter Parkers.
As Peter sets the glider down--
The older peter's face falls...
Goblin stabbed him in the back! The older peter collapses.

ANGLE ON The other peter. He rushes forward with the Goblin cure, spots the standoff on the shield...
Goblin staggers upright, eager for more. Taunting Peter.
"She was there because of you..."
He taunted

Peter faces him, eyes narrowing.

"I may have struck the blow. But
You are the one that killed her."
He says as Green Goblin cackles with glee...

Webb-Verse Peter throws the Goblin cure!
Peter turns, grabs it--
And stabs goblin in the neck
Goblin staggers. Shocked. In pain.
As peter injects him with the serum
From the floor of the shield, The older peter smiles with relief.
From the pedestal, The other peter sighs with relief.
Goblin falls back on his haunches, then... A look of recognition.
Norman says
Norman sees The older peter on the ground. Remembering everything. May.

"What have I done?"
The other peter rushes to the older peter's aid. The latter realizes the former tossed the cure.
" It was you..."
The older peter said
"You okay?"
The other peter asked
"Uh, yeah, I'm good. I've been stabbed before."
The older peter said
"Oh, good. Good, good, good..."
The other one says
Peter joins them.
Peter says
Oh, man."
he continued
"Hey, nice catch."
The other peter said
"Nice throw."
he responded
The three Peters share a moment.Then chaotic rumbling from above !
"What? Is that happening, or am I dying?"
The older peter asked
"Oh, yeah, no. That's happening, that's real."
The other peter said
"Are there... people in the sky?"
The older one asked

High above the Statue of Liberty, the mangled spell continues... SHADOWY SILHOUETTES forming everywhere...

Dr. Strange trembles from the strain of holding the Multiverse at bay. But try as he might, more and more silhouettes keep appearing.

Peter can clearly see -- they're running out of time.
"I gotta go."
Peter said
"Yeah, yeah, I got it."
The other peter said
"You okay?"

~Fine line~ {ANDREW GARFIELD}Where stories live. Discover now