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When it came to remembering things, Ember had been top-tier her whole life

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When it came to remembering things, Ember had been top-tier her whole life. New songs on the radio, she had the finer points down after two listens. Historical dates and birthdays, how many people could recall that both Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on February 12th, 1809? Ember was one of those people. It'd even been a point of annoyance for her in relationships, as she was always ready for a birthday or anniversary but seldom was she greeted with similar preparedness. So when she awoke in the arms of the man she had abruptly ended a date with not too long ago, in the middle of a thunderstorm—minus the rain—on a rocking boat she hadn't remembered boarding, she was dumbstruck.

In fact, the last thing she remembered was standing in her kitchen crying while Amara and Bel consoled her with red wine and words like "Men are dumb." and "How could he have done this to us?"

Lightning struck the level below them, splintering the deck and spraying debris as the smell of burning wood filled the air.

"What the hell is happening? Is it a storm? How did we get on a boat?" Ember looked at Jude, using his expression to gauge how worried she should be.

He didn't respond right away as he smiled down at her, "I'm glad you've come back to us." His grip tightened when his eyes shifted to where the lightning had struck. "I'm sorry for how everything happened at the winery. I was on my way to clear it all up, but now that we're all here I guess I won't be the only one doing a bit of show and tell."

"I believe you, but that still doesn't give me any answers only more questions!" She responded through gritted teeth. How the hell was he so calm? And who cared about the winery when they were in the middle of an electrical storm that was threatening to sink their boat and turn them into fish food? Ember pushed herself up and moved toward the railing, hoping to get some sense of bearings. Instead, she caught sight of two people standing on the deck below, Amara, and a girl that looked remarkably similar to Jude, except she looked like she'd walked straight out of an action flick clad in black leather with a golden bow slung over her shoulder. They stood side by side silent and grim as they stared intently at the pillar of smoke that billowed from the impact zone.

Ember's eyes widened as they locked onto a figure emerging from the smoke. "Oh my god! Amara!" She waved a hand above her head, "Amara, get out of the way!"

"Ember, don't." Jude said, grabbing her hand, "She's not in danger, well maybe some, but she'll survive it I promise."

"What?! Something just fell out of the sky on a lightning bolt!" She ripped her hand away and headed for the stairs taking two at a time, Jude close behind her attempting to interject, but she couldn't just stand there and watch someone she knew be harmed.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs she stopped dead in her tracks as all three on the deck came into view. The thing was now much closer, and it wasn't a thing, it was a man. He wore a dark blue three-piece suit with charcoal pinstripes, and his hair was immaculate from head to beard, both the shiniest color of ivory.

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