Chapter 1

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The wind was blowing across the the field. I hugged my legs closer to my face. Trying to block the wind. I should have worn a jacket. The wispy flowers danced in front of the sunset. The sun was slowly slowly going to sleep. I stared at it, trying to lose myself in the colors. Alas! That wasn't possible.

Screams that had been haunting me from years, the confusion, the darkness, and lastly his face. His face was stuck in my mind. I couldn't forget it no matter how much I tried. People had warned me not to do that. That it would turn out useful someday, that I would be able to describe him properly one day. Even after 10 years, that day never came. I tried to draw him, but it was not any good. An artist hired by the police tried to draw him. But it just looked like the face of any other man.

A sudden gust of wind blew my hair in my face. I brushed it away and felt something cold on my ear. It was my hand. The sun was only half visible now. I got up and brushed my clothes of the leaves and flowers I had been fiddling with. I grabbed my backpack and walked towards the road. The next bus was in 10 minutes. I walked slowly.

'There is no hurry,' I reminded myself. 'There is no one here.'

It took a few minutes to reach the road and I thought of how the day had gone.

Not anything about how many customers I had, or how many orders I got. I thought about myself from the inside. I hadn't thought much of that night, which was great. No one had come pestering me for gossip although it had been months since anyone did that. I had heard no news of any tragedy to keep myself sane. And lastly, I had successfully remembered to call my mother twice for her satisfaction.I was feeling better from the past few years. Better than before, but not better enough to be the normal I used to be. I wasn't socially active, I didn't travel and I didn't watch the news. Sometimes, I wondered if my life would pass away like this. Wake up early, open the bakery, bake all day, close the shop, watch the sunset, catch the bus home, have dinner with Ma, sleep and repeat. I took a holiday on Wednesdays since business was low, but I spent it catching up on sleep, talking with Ma and making errands.

Once I reached the bus stop, I sat down on the bench and sighed. It was Thursday and I was already tired.

When the bus was visible far on the road, I got up and waited for it. Once, it reached, I climbed up and found a seat till home.

Journey to TruthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang