Sometimes I wonder why my mom always tries to make meals look picture perfect, even though she never takes pictures of them

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Sometimes I wonder why my mom always tries to make meals look picture perfect, even though she never takes pictures of them.

"I better start heading to work, have a nice day honey!" My mom called while heading out the door.

Well I should finish my breakfast before hinata gets here.

Hinatas pov

This is hinatas pov of what noya just went through.

I had just finished my shower when I got a call, I checked the caller id and when I realized It was noya I answered

Scroll up to see the convo.

After I hung up the phone, I went to the kitchen table to eat the breakfast my dad made for me, then make my way to noyas home.
(Here's the breakfast, or u can pick one yourself)

 (Here's the breakfast, or u can pick one yourself)

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(Heres what hinata is wearing btw)

After I finished my breakfast, I said bye to my dog, grabbed my keys and my phone, then locked the door behind me

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After I finished my breakfast, I said bye to my dog, grabbed my keys and my phone, then locked the door behind me.

Third person pov

As hinata was on his way to noyas house, he hoped he wasn't to early, but He also couldn't wait to see noya. He didn't really have time to hangout out with noya, especially with everything thats been going on... But right now that didn't matter. Hinata would enjoy hanging out with noya even if he did feel a little guilty.

"I have no reason to feel guilty about hanging out with my friend. " hinata reminded himself.

Time skip to noyas house

As hinata stepped onto noyas front porch, he took a deep breath before knocking.

Noyas pov


A knock on the door caught me off guard, but I quickly remembered that hinata was coming over so it had to be him. I got off the couch and made my way to the door. as I opened the door I saw hinata, he looks amazing...

"Hey noya" hinata said while smiling

I completely forgot I hadn't said anything to him since I opened the door!

"H-hey hinata..." I quickly greeted him

"Um... O-oh! You can come in!" I invited him in

"Okay, thanks" he smiled again.

After he stepped in and took off his shoes, I lead him to my room.

Third person pov

"So... What did u want to tell me?" Hinata questioned

"Well I wanted to tell you..." Noya trailed off

Hinata waited for what he was gonna say next.

"I... I like you." Noya finished his sentence

Hinata stayed silent for only a couple a minutes, but it felt like hours.

"Oh." Hinata finally spoke

Hinatas pov

I like you.  I like you. I like you.

The words kept repeating in my head. I didn't know what to say.

But I had to say something right? I couldn't stay silent. But... What do I say?

I don't wanna hurt noyas feelings, but what about Tanaka? What if I hurt his feelings? But if I say no noyas feelings will be hurt.

I don't wanna say no. I do like noya... But I can't hurt Tanaka like that.



That was all that came out of my mouth.

Oh? Is that all I could come up with?

I have to say something else... But what?

"Well... I don't know what to say... " I began

"I like you aswell... But we can't be together. I don't know if I could hurt tanaka like that." I finished

"Oh... Okay" Noya spoke

"I'm really sorry noya... You're the best friend I could ever ask for-" i was cut off by noya

"It's okay. I understand" noya said with a smile

Noyas pov

What hinata said hurt my feelings but it was a valid reason. If he doesn't want to date me than I won't force him.

But what do I say after that? Do we still hang out like nothing happened?

"Um... Well.... Do you maybe wanna play a game? Or something?" I asked.

I hope he does... If I'm being honest I don't want him to leave.

"Oh, you don't want me to leave?" Hinata questioned me

"Of course not, I know you just rejected me and all but you came all this way so we could hang out..." I answered

"Oh okay. What do u want to play?" Hinata asked

"We could play minecraft? Since you like that one" I answered with a smile

"Okay!" Hinata Answered happily

After their hangout

"It's getting late, I should head home now. " hinata said

"Oh, okay. I can walk you back if you want! " I offered

"No it's okay! It's not a very long walk. " hinata declined

"Okay. I'll see you soon? " I questioned

"Yup!" Hinata answered

________________the end_________________

This was supposed to come out sooner but I forgot about it until recently.
Sorry the ending is a little weird but I didn't went to end it on a sad note.

This is the longest chapter I've written in a long time, at around 1240 words.

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