2 ~ Lunch And a Sort-of-Party ~ 2

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I lead Gally to the Cafeteria, and didn't stop to greet the gays. We went straight to the line and got our food. He got a ham sandwich and I got turkey. Ham just wasn't my thing.

My friends were staring when I brought Gally to our table.

"Hey, guys!" I beamed. I found my spirits were much higher by lunch, and just the thought made my smile stay, "This is Gally, he's my new roommate." I smiled at him and he smiled at me. "Gally, this is Chuck, Thomas, Newt, Teresa, Brenda, Winston, Frypan, Sonya, and Harriet," I pointed to each of them in turn.

He waved, "Hey."

They all waved back at him, the flow of shock slowly draining from their faces.

"So, why'd you come here?" Brenda asked him. It wasn't in a rude or intruding way, purely curious.

"Oh- uh," He furrowed his eyebrows, staring at the table. I knocked my knee into his, a silent gesture that told him he didn't have to answer. He glanced at me, enough to show his appreciation. "I got into a fight at WCKD. Broke the kid's arm."

My table went dead silent. Until Thomas started to chuckle.

"Sorry- sorry," he began, trying to stop his fit of laughter. The others joined in, even Gally. "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate of me. I- sorry... What'd he do?"

Gally snorted, "Called me the f-slur, made fun of how my parents died. Said God punished them for having a gay son. I probably didn't handle it the way I should have."

My eyes widened, and I felt a pang in my heart at the recount. My friends were quiet too. For some reason my brain was stuck on the fact he said that he was gay.

"I almost corrected him," Gally remarked, and for a moment I wondered if he was straight. Why would he flirt with me if he was? "But he wouldn't have know what omni was anyway." So he was omni. Shit. What was his preference? I gave him a half chuckle, trying to help him lift the mood. People were so shitty sometimes.

Conversation continued casually, until Sonya decided to woman-up and talk to our table's newbie again.

"So, did Minho invite you to the party later?"

Gally nodded, "He did."

"You comin'?"

He shrugged, "Why not? It's not like this annoying douchebag would let me skip out, now would he?" Gally smirked at me and I gave him a light smack on the shoulder to hide my blush. Everyone chuckled, and I found myself smile at how he was fitting in. Thomas gave me a look and  I glared at him.

~time skip bc I'm gay and so are you~

We had just finished dinner, which ended at 6:00, and now everyone had gone their separate ways to get ready for a causal sort-of-party. Gally threw on a gray tee and kept his worn jeans on. I made a point to keep my back turned away. I slipped on a black tee and had earlier switched to khaki shorts. Gally tied a dark green hoodie around his waist before we left.

I gave a quick knock on Brenda and Teresa's door, stepping back to align myself with Gally's tall form.

"Hey!" Newt answered. I wasn't surprised that he and Thomas had gotten there before us. "Come on in."

We entered, most of us were there all ready, minus Sonya and her girlfriend. Chuck wasn't there either, he always opted out of these parties. There was no music playing, since none of us had phones. Frypan was setting out the cookies he made earlier on their beside desk. Winston was sitting against the wall chatting with Thomas and Teresa. Brenda snuck a cookie when Frypan wasn't looking. Moments after Gal and I got settled in the circle that was forming near the wall, Harriet and Sonya entered the room. Everyone cheered as the party could now officially begin.

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