Puzzle Pieces

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People would assume Chris' life was full of excitement, parties, events, always surrounded by people, fans, friends and family

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People would assume Chris' life was full of excitement, parties, events, always surrounded by people, fans, friends and family. People thought he was living his best life, spending a lot of money, doing things out of the ordinary. They were right. But it's not like they thought.

Chris liked to party, having dinner, meeting friends and being out and about. But one thing beat all of that, spending time with you.

When he was introduced to you by a friend, he knew you'd be the one he'd spend the rest of his life with. You weren't the kind of girl who loved the attention. You were shy, maybe awkward. Chris loved it, he could read you like a book and he loved every line on the pages.

You didn't try to impress him or act any differently around him. You were your true self and that was refreshing to him, you engraved your name on his heart without knowing.

Some might say, your life together was boring. You still went to parties and events, met with friends and had a great time out of the house, but it was Chris' favourite when it was just the two of you, away from the real world, in your bubble filled with love and warmth.

Tonight, was one of those nights. He's been running errands today and went to the gym while you visited your Mom to help her with with things around the house. You were back before him, but he went straight for a shower after his workout.

"Baby?" He called for you, plugging his phone in before he went to look for you.

"In the kitchen!" You answered and he padded into the kitchen. As he reached the door, he couldn't help but admire the view in front of him.

You were sat on a stool at the kitchen island, wearing one of his shirts, your glasses as you stared down at the puzzle pieces in front of you. Your hair was in a low bun and you were biting your lip, holding a piece to try and figure where it went.

When you sensed his presence, you looked up and smiled at him and his heart skipped a beat.

"Hey, how was your workout?" You asked, as he walked closer, his hands reaching out to cup your face as he leaned down to kiss you.

"I'm ripped, can't you see?" He laughed and you poked his side. He pulled a stool up for himself beside you, close enough to wrap his arm around your waist.

"How long have you been sitting here?" He asked, kissing your shoulder as he examined the half done puzzle in front of him.

"See that red patch there" you asked, pointing at the puzzle patch and he nodded. "I made that today!"

"How the hell did you do that? All the pieces look the same" he squinted, looking at the portion, swearing they all looked the same to him.

"Because I'm a genius" you laughed, finally finding the place for the piece you were holding in your hand. He watched as you put it into place, before picking up another piece.

"That you are" he said, kissing your cheek. "Can I help?"

"Sure" You hummed, placing your hand on his thigh as he grabbed a piece as well.

"I'm hungry, I'll make a quick Mac and cheese, you want some?" He asked and stood off the stool , feeling his legs go weak from sitting for so long.

"Yeah, please" you smiled and he hummed in response as he leaned down and kissed you softly.

Some men would want to avoid having a life like this at all costs. But to Chris, it was everything he ever wanted, you were the puzzle piece that fit him correctly.

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