Chapter Five: Opening Night

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I woke up the next morning at 9:30. After quickly changing into leggings and a sweater, I went downstairs to see my dad cooking breakfast.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," He teased.

I chuckled and sat down at the table. "Good morning Dad."

He quickly finished cooking and poured some eggs on my plate, giving me a slice of toast and a glass of apple juice.

"Thanks," I smiled.

After a minute, Dad spoke up, "So, are you excited for the show tonight?"

"Yeah," I said. "It'll be fun. And besides, I love the guys."

"Especially Josh," He teased.

I blushed a bright red.

"Dad!" I exclaimed.

"So you do like him!" Dad replied victoriously.

I blushed even more, if that was possible, and muttered, "Maybe. But there's no way he likes me back! He's so perfect, and I'm just... me."

"Lissy!" Dad exclaimed. "The kid's head-over-heels for you! I can tell by the way he looks at you. And if he doesn't like you, then he's crazy. All I'm gonna say is that: As long as he treats you like the princess you are and makes sure you're safe and happy, I approve."

I smiled. "Thanks dad."

After quickly finishing my breakfast, I washed the dishes, pulled on my shoes, and made off towards the theater.

When I got there, Josh ran up to me, yelling, "Lissy!!!!!"

"Joshie!" I exclaimed, as he grabbed me into a hug.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"Aw look, it's the love birds!" Ben said, walking over.

Josh and I broke apart, blushing a bright red.

"Hi Ben, Hi Sky," I said quietly.

Josh glared at the two.

Madi walked over and hit each of them on the head.

"Be nice boys," She scolded.

"Sorry Madi," Ben muttered.

"Sorry mom," Sky teased.

She stuck her tongue out at him. Those two were getting together. I could tell. They were perfect for each other!

After a few hours and a dress rehearsal, the sun was beginning to set and Josh came over and bumped my shoulder.

He leaned over and whispered to me, "Follow me. I want to show you something."

I nodded and he grabbed my hand. We went out from the stage and stepped outside. He led me over to the bottom of the fire escape and motioned for me to start climbing. I began to go up the old ladders, Josh right behind me.

Pretty soon, we got to the top platform. It was gorgeous!

The yellow sun was a large, glowing ball of light, just barely visible above the tops of the city skyline. Beautiful shades of oranges, pinks, and yellows blended together like watercolors. Wisps of clouds were scattered across the sky, and there was a slight breeze blowing, ruffling my hair.

"It's gorgeous," I breathed.

Josh chuckled lightly. "Yeah. I come up here after rehearsals sometimes to clean my head. It's so calm and peaceful... it's just... my special spot. But... I actually came up here because I needed to talk to you about something."

Newsies' DaughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora