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"Oh... that's not good is it?" Tommy sighs, rushing over to Lucy. "John! We need to get her in a hospital!"

John stared at the man coldly, his lifeless pale body lay on the floor - he placed his foot on the man's chest and pressed down hard. "You are pure fucking scum" he whispered before spitting on him, he picked up his wife's limp body and carried it to the car, John attempts to go into the driver seat but is stopped by Tommy. "No, you ain't driving" Tommy shouted at him. Arthur and Tommy both sat in the front seats and John sat in the back with Lucy lay on his lap.

"Tommy, what if she is pregnant?" John stammered. "What if she is having a baby? Would it survive?" Johns head began to race as he looked at Lucy, he felt almost lost, empty - he felt as though she wouldn't make it.

"John, don't panic, It's gonna be okay" Tommy reassures him, driving ahead.

When they arrive at the hospital John runs out of the car with Lucy's blood covering his hands all while Lucy is still being carried in his hands, a nurse takes Lucy into a hospital room - John stares in fear as she's carried away.

"John.." Arthur placed his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry mate, if we knew"

"If you knew what? That she was gonna get kidnapped?" Well thanks to you two, my wife is in fucking hospital, with most likely a baby in her stomach!" John shouts, he punches the wall next him before walking out of the hospital.

"John!" Tommy cried out, him and his brother both turning around to see where he was off too, Arthur ran after him before a voice spoke out behind Tommy.
"Mr Shelby?" A doctor said from behind them, Tommy turns around and stares at the doctor puzzled.
"He's gone outside, do you want me to come in the room?" Tommy asked.

"Well, it's about Mrs Shelby" the doctor began. "It seems that she wasn't hurt that much but hurt enough to cause a substantial amount of blood loss, we also noticed something while we were stitching the slash up"

Tommy's eyes widened with shock and confusion. "Is she pregnant?"

"Yes, it seems that she is pregnant. 8 months pregnant to be exact, we are keeping the baby alive as much as we can - but there is a 30% chance rate of her baby surviving" the doctor sighed, handing Tommy the chart. "If you look, that's her baby's heartbeat, it's not likely that it will survive"

"How many weeks is she?" Tommy murmured.

"I don't think that's relevant" the doctor replied with a confused tone.

"How many?" He snapped.

"34 weeks, sir"

A crash can be heard from outside the hospital, and then very loud footsteps. Alfie and Louis run in along with Arthur and John.
"Doctor, can I see her?" John shouted.

"Sir, I need to talk to you about your wife"
"I don't care right now, where's Lucy?" John cried out, frantically looking around.
"John, listen to her" tommy sighed, raising his head and passing the clipboard to him.
"What's this?" John stopped in his tracks and looked down at the board, his face going pale.

"Your wife, we noticed something while stitching her up" the doctor began. "It appears your wife is 34 weeks pregnant, the baby does however, have a 30% chance of survival" they sighed.

"What? I, no?" John stuttered, unable to speak. Arthur, Louis and Alfie's faces drop - John sits down on a seat while the rest stand in shock.

"Erm miss, I'm her brother. Is Lucy stable?" Alfie asked with a soft voice. A sudden scream is heard from Lucy's hospital room. "Lucy?" Alfie screams.

"Sir, I'll be back soon. All of you stay there!"

John starts frantically pacing around and panicking, he looks at Alfie who's face is pale.
"Where's Robbie, is he on business?" John said coldly. "Or is he trying to kill my wife?" John shouted, punching Alfie in the face.

"Woah, John!" Tommy yelled "what was that for?"

"That man, he said Robbie knew about the pregnancy" John stammered.

A doctor walks out of Lucy's room and stares at them all with sadness in his eyes. "Mr Shelby, your wife - it appears she's had to go into emergency labour, there's a chance she or the baby might not make it" he sighed.

"You what?" Alfie stared at the doctor in horror.

"Can I go in the room?" John pleaded to the doctor.

"It's bet ye r if you stay put in the waiting room" the doctor sighed, rushing back inside.

John couldn't help but feel his head run around in circles again, he felt himself go faint as he kept reciting those words in his head. "And you can kiss goodbye to that baby" those same eight words, circling his mind. He tried to think of other things like, what would the nursery look like, or how would they manage the crying? But those words stuck in his head, like a song, a few hours pass and there's still no word, Alfie, Arthur, Louis have already left and Tommy decided to stay with John

"Hey, John?" Tommy sighs "are you okay?"

"I just wanna know if she's okay, what if they didn't make it?" John stammered, tears rolling down his face.

"Mr Shelby?" The doctor called out. "You can see your wife now" Johns face lights up and he walks to the door but is stopped by the doctor. "She's very restless, so don't rush anything"

John smiled and walked into the room, he looked at his child who was sleeping soundly. He looked over at Lucy who's eyes were just opening, Lucy smiled at John and stretched as she got up. "Hey" she whispered. "It's a girl" she laughed sweetly.

"She's gorgeous, have you thought of a name?" John smiled, sitting down on the chair next to her bed, looking at his daughter.

"Dorothy Frances Shelby" she yawned. "Dotty for short"
A grin formed on Johns face as he looked over at his daughter. "Dotty" he smiled. "I love that name"

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