Beomgyu eyed Chanwoo's silhouette once more before turning his back and getting back inside.

"Soobin you don't have to worry, that guy there is just Taehyun's stalker. He comes to the café all the time. He won't murder us, he's a pussy. You can go back to sleep, I'll stay here and watch him..."

"No!" Soobin almost screams. "I know you, I'm your best friend! I know you're going to get angry and you're gonna leave the dorm to talk to him!"

Beomgyu closes his mouth into a tin line. Damn it, Soobin knows him so well...

"If he kills me then you tell the cops he did it. Simple as that. Now go back to sleep, I won't get out of the dorm..."

"Liar!" Soobin voices out again but closes his mouth when he sees a sleepy blonde boy entering the living room.

"Guys... Why are you screaming at this hour? I know it's the weekend and stuff but it's one in the morning. I want to sleep." Taehyun looks directly at Beomgyu "And what's with the story of you getting killed, I'm not following it..."

"Taehyun, your stalker is-"

"Shhhhh..." Beomgyu covers Soobin's mouth with his hand. Telling Taehyun was definitely a bad idea. "Just go to sleep Taehyun. There's nothing to see in here."

Taehyun ignores Beomgyu's words and notices Soobin sending him signals, as his eyes continuously switched between Taehyun's and the balcony. Without saying a word and much to Beomgyu's discontentment, Taehyun opens the glass door and steps outside. At first, he doesn't find anything out of the ordinary but then he looks down and his eyes immediately focus on a very familiar figure that was looking directly at him like some psycho from a horror movie.

"What the fuck are you doing in there?" Taehyun asks loud enough but Chanwoo doesn't answer. "How long have you been there? Are you trying to spy on me?" Silence. "What the fuck, answer me!"

Seeing that Chanwoo's silence wasn't going to break any sooner, Beomgyu grabs Taehyun's arm to try to escort him back inside "Okay Taehyun let's go now before the neighbors call the police..."

"Hell no! First, he comes to the shop to just stand at the entrance and stalk me all week, and now he follows me to the dorm just to watch me through the window? And it's freezing cold outside! Did you hear it, psycho? It's cold as shit, why are you here? Get the fuck away!"

Taehyun continues to throw angry sentences from the balcony, his whole body perched on the security grades while his finger pointed rudely at Chanwoo's stupid figure. With Taehyun's voice raising at every insult that came out of his mouth, Beomgyu sees no other option but to grab the blonde's body and carry him on the shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"What the fuck are you doing!? Let me speak to that bastard! Let me go!"

Taehyun's screams die down when Beomgyu finally drags him inside the house and closes the glass door with his foot.

"Let's not give him the attention that he wants. He'll stop and go home if we leave him alone." Beomgyu puts Taehyun on the ground and turns his attention to Soobin. "Please go to sleep. It's getting late and your sleep schedule is going to be messed up. Tomorrow we'll talk about your smoking habit coming back. Now go to sleep."

"What about you? Are you going to stay here? Beomgyu I swear to God if you open the door to that motherfucker I-"

"I won't. I promise." Beomgyu gently holds his hand. "I won't open the door to anyone. I promise."

Soobin hesitantly bites his bottom lip. "I said that because our door doesn't have a peephole and I get anxious about-"

"I know. I won't open it. And I won't go outside." Beomgyu reassures him with a small smile. "I promise you. Do you want me to stay in your room until you fall asleep?"

Soobin looks at the blonde boy that was silently watching them and feels a wave of embarrassment taking over him. Nobody except Beomgyu has ever seen him in that state and knowing that Taehyun discovered his biggest weakness was definitely humiliating.

"Yeah..." He whispers, not sure how to face Taehyun anymore.

But the younger was rather interested in Beomgyu's gentle hand on top of Soobin's, the same hand that recently held his face while they kissed and the same hand that tickled his skin underneath his shirt while they made out. Why did it feel so wrong to see him hold Soobin's hand with so much care? It seemed wrong, as if that hand didn't belong there. And the low tone Beomgyu was using felt like eating cotton candy in heaven, so sweet but at the same time so fucking attractive. Taehyun's eyes glance down to Beomgyu's exposed arms and he holds his breath. Damnit, he looks kinda hot in that shirt.

"What are you doing standing there? Go the fuck to sleep."

Ugh, only if he didn't have a mouth. Taehyun responds to Beomgyu's rude comment with an eye roll and glances away from his pretty hand intertwined with Soobin's.

"Yeah, yeah, you two can go cuddle as much as you want but now that I'm awake I'll stay here a little bit longer."

Beomgyu sighs heavily, his hand moving away from Soobin's as he speaks his next words. "Stop being jealous, lol."

Taehyun forces a disgusted face. "Who the fuck says lol these days? Do you think you're worth my jealousy? You don't even deserve my attention in the first place."

"Bla bla bla. If you want to cuddle me so much you can just admit it, lol."

Taehyun clenches his teeth and narrows his eyes. "You're cringe. And delusional. And stupid. And lol isn't supposed to be said out loud, it's a text expression. You're so fucking annoying..."

Beomgyu just gives him a sarcastic smile and a sassy wave as he starts to walk toward his room, his hand gesturing for Soobin to follow him. The oldest waves a little goodbye to Taehyun and follows Beomgyu to the room while Taehyun still insults the ravenette with dozens of bad words.

When they're out of sight, Taehyun peeks through the curtains one last time, not surprised to see Chanwoo still standing in the same place while glancing at the balcony's door. He didn't want to admit it, but Chanwoo's behavior was starting to go out of control. It was tolerable when all he did was come to the shop and annoy Taehyun, but now things were starting to get creepier. He would stalk Taehyun in his work time and every time the blonde tried to confront him about it, the other would just stare at him in silence. Not a single word, just silence and the reflection of turbulent thoughts in his eyes.

And there's a saying that  "One look is worth a thousand words."


Hello! I know I've been away for a long time but freshman year is taking all my energy and it's about to get worst (pray for me).

This story is all programmed in my head all I need is to find the time and motivation to write it. Oh and I'm sick again and it's like the seventh time i've been ill since I caught covid back in february :,) (pray for my heath)

I hope all of you have a great week and happy new year!

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