"Yes, they are impressive, aren't they?" Bigwings said. "The royal families keep their crowns in this case when they aren't wearing them."

Every one of the crowns had a nameplate and were lined on the bottom with blossoms. The first two crowns were the crowns of the king and queen. Queen Starlight's crown was decorated with amethysts, and the crown next to hers was decorated with sapphires. That crown's nameplate read Atlantic.

"What a minute," Luna said. "Is that right? Isn't that-?"

"A Water Sprayer name?" Bigwings finished. "Yes, and Queen Splash is Atlantic's cousin!"

"Two royal families in one?" Fowl asked, looking at Bigwings in surprise. "Is that even legal?"

"Yes," Bigwings said, walking over to the prince section. "In fact, it helps strengthen the bond between the queens and royal families that rule the kingdom."

Everyone walked over to the prince section. There were only two crowns. One was decorated with sapphires, and the other was decorated with pearls. The pearled one had the nameplate Cloud, and the sapphire one had the nameplate, Kelp.

"Cloud and Kelp?" Edward asked. "Hmm. Really rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?"

"But," Sprite said, "aren't those-?"

"Water Sprayer and Weather Wing names?"

Everyone spun around towards the voice behind them. There were two dragons behind them. One was a white Weather Wing with gills, blue stars under his wings, obsidian eyes, and a pitchfork tail. The other was a Water Sprayer, his wings had black stars on the undersides that looked like dots on his sea-blue scales, and his face and forearms were colored forest green. Both of them had gold star-crowns on their heads.

Weird, they don't look like twins.

It was the Water Sprayer who spoke. He had a bit of a squeaky voice as if he was only eight.

"Yes, we know," Kelp said. "That's what happens when your grandmother marries a commoner."

"Hey," Cloud said. He had a deeper voice. The Weather Wing maget looked to be only ten years old. Luna wrote it off as them just being short. "Bigwings? Why'd ya bring commoners inside the palace?"

"Hey!" Bigwings shouted. "For your information, one of them is the son of Animus! And another thing, it's rude to call non-royals commoners like that!"

"Yessssssssssssssssss!" Artemis silently cheered.

"Whatever," Kelp said.

As the group went over to the princess crowns, Cloud and Kelp shuffled off toward the exit. Luna looked over her shoulder at the rude princes. I've read that most queens kill their sons if they show disrespect to those outside of the family. Starlight must really love them if she hasn't gotten rid of them yet.

Bigwings said that the crowns--if you were walking down from the entrance of the palace--were ordered from youngest to oldest. The first one was decorated with both amethyst-ruby mixes and sapphires and was labeled Sapphire.

"Hmm," Luna said. "That's a pretty name. Water Sprayer."

The next crown was decorated with both amethysts, sapphires, and pearls and was labeled Eclipse. Night Bringer. After that was a ruby and amethyst decorated crown labeled Shadow. Another Night Bringer. The final crown was a little surprising. It was decorated with amethysts, rubies, sapphires, and pearls. The nameplate only had a question mark on it. Luna looked at the crown with confusion and awe.

"What's this crown for?" Luna asked. "Shouldn't it be near the front?"

"No," Bigwings said. "The queen's first daughter was born about thirteen years ago. When the palace was invaded by an assassin, she was sent away to live with relatives. Her Majesty kept her name hidden from the public. Everyone has been wondering where the princess has been hiding since then."

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